by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© September 2019, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is only the opinion of the authors and for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


            This article presents an understanding of love and relationships based on the seven physical energy centers of the body.  This is the basic energetic structure of the human body. 




            Energy centers, as the words are used on this website, are spinning vortices of subtle energy that are located along the midline of the human body.  While they cannot be seen by most people, they can often be felt by those who are somewhat sensitive.  For more details, read The Energy Centers.

            The basic idea of this article is that people mainly operate from one or another of the energy centers. 




            The first energy center, located between the legs, is shaped like a funnel that opens downward like a ballet dress.  It is associated with grounding and survival.

            First center love is about obtaining what one needs for survival such as food, shelter, clothing, and safety. 


              In relationships.  This energy center is totally selfish.  This may be to survive, but it can be to overcome and overpower others to protect its own survival.

              Sadly, this is where many people in the world live, most of the time.  They are concerned with earning a living, making ends meet, paying the bills, feeding the family, caring for the children as best they can, and other survival issues.

            In business and politics.  In these areas, people who operate from the first center are brutal, ruthless, deceiving, lying, and destructive.

            Babies and young children.  They spend a lot of time operating from this energy center.  The reason is they are dependent upon others for survival, so they “love” in a manner that really means they need us to feed, clothe, hold, protect and love them.  That is their definition of love.

              They love their parents and others in unselfish ways, as well.  However, their dependency forces them to think quite selfishly.  As they grow older, they can take better care of themselves and they begin to love from their higher physical energy centers.




            The second energy center, located just below the navel and opening toward the front and the back of the body, is concerned with sexual and emotional forces.

            Second center love is mainly concerned with emotion, sex and related selfish motives.

            In relationships.  These are often romantic or mainly sexual encounters or relationships.  This is a very common type of “love” among less mature and younger people.

              In business and politics.  Those who operate from this center are not as ruthless and brutal as those operating from the first center.  However, they still take advantage of others through sex appeal and emotional means.  Most advertising operates at this level, for instance.

              Teenage “love” and dating.  Many people, especially young women, are fooled by sexy and emotional words and behavior into believing that second-center love is all there is.  Boys regularly take advantage of this by lying to the girls that they “love them”.  Really, this is just an appeal to the emotions, usually to convince a young woman to have sex.

            Sexual drive is not very loving.  The second energy center type of love is closely related to the first energy center type because the second energy center is also concerned about survival but, in this case, it is survival of the race and the species.  It is also largely “mechanical” or “automatic”, meaning it does not involve much conscious thought or spiritual development.

              This is confusing, especially for women who don’t understand why the boys “love them” so much.  It is because the men and boys are motivated by their hormones, basically, and it is not a conscious or well thought out type of loving or caring.

            People in this type of mindset or frame of mind are most concerned with sexual attraction, sexual joy and pleasure, and often in producing children.  It is a common form of “love” between men and women.

            Second energy center loving is deceptive.  A lot of behaviors motivated by second energy center energy may appear loving but they are not really love at all, but just a form of biological attraction controlled by all sorts of subtle cues such as the shape of the body, the smells of the body, the feel of the bodies, the sound of the voice, and others.

            It is the stuff of romance novels, but in reality it is mainly confusing for people who do not have a clue as to why they are attracted to some and less so to others.  It is more about these attractions and repulsions than it is about love of any kind.

            This is important to learn early in life so that you won’t be as subject to it.  However, all of mankind is subject to the lower forces, at least until you understand them well enough that you can get past them quickly.




            The third energy center, located at the level of the solar plexus and extending outward toward the front and back of the body, is most concerned with primitive intellectual activity.  Its goal is power and control of the self, and often control over others.

              Third center love is concerned with power and control over others in a mainly selfish way.

            In relationships. This is another selfish love, but more on an intellectual rather than sexual level.  It always involves control, power, and satisfying the ego.  Often, it is about lording it over another person for the sheer joy of knowing one can do this.

            Once again, it is about survival, but about a type of survival that has more to do with interacting with others in such a manner that you come out ahead.  The other person is your subordinate, or better yet, your little slave.  It is not about equals.  This is unfortunately common in marriages.

              In business and politics.  Third enter thinking is common in government bureaucracies, and other hierarchical structures such as some companies and other places.

              Energy vampires.  First, second and third center thinking and behavior are what is called on this website energy vampirism.  This is discussed in detail in the article, Energy Vampirism.




            The fourth energy center is located in the lower chest.  It extends outward to the front and the back of the body along the midline.  It is more in the shape of a complex flower, whereas the others are more in the shape of simple cones or funnels.

              Fourth center love is about give and take.  It is a turning point for human beings in that it is much less selfish.

              In relationships.  Those who operate from this level, which are not too many people, are more oriented toward giving in relationships.  It does not matter if the relationship is with an intimate partner, your family, friends, business, governmental or other.  The emphasis now begins to be upon what can I contribute or give to others, rather than how must I act to survive.

            This shift causes relationships to be much smoother and happier.  When two people, or two nations, or even two armies of soldiers, do their best to give instead of to take from one another, peace begins to descend upon relationships and upon the planet. 

            Love begins to blossom for the first time because no one is trying to take anything from another.  Instead, each is looking out for the other, however imperfectly, at first.  This causes quite a shift in human beings’ lives and behaviors, affects children deeply, and eventually causes the creation of a society based upon love and giving, not upon war and despoiling other societies.

            Much has been written about the fourth energy center.  It is about real give and take between people, whether they be friends, sexual partners, business associates or even nations.  It is about being an equal to another person.  It is about sharing in a real way because you are secure enough that you don’t feel you need to manipulate or position yourself to gain advantage.

            This does not mean that you allow yourself to be used or manipulated.  In fact, for a true fourth energy center relationship to occur, both parties must be self-sufficient or at least secure enough that they know how to protect themselves and not allow another to take advantage.  Then they can relax and enjoy the other’s company on an equal type of footing. 

            This does not mean both people need to be wealthy, for example, or beautiful.  In fact, it has little to do with outside or superficial qualities such as these.  It has far more to do with a person’s sense of himself or herself – a sense of self-worth or value.

            Fourth energy center relationships are often what psychologists want for their clients.  They are equal relationships with good give and take, some humor, perhaps, and an easy-going feeling or quality about the relationship.

            How to love in a fourth energy center manner.  The key to successful fourth energy center loving is self-worth.  One must have a good sense of one’s own worth or value.  Otherwise, it is impossible to feel equal in stature with others.  This is a great key since otherwise one cannot move on to the higher levels of love described below.




            The fifth physical energy center is located at the level of the throat and thyroid gland.  It resembles a double funnel, with the small ends joined at the throat, and the large ends extending forward and backwards.  In most people, it is a few inches long.  However, it can grow to a mile or longer in size.  It is concerned with expression of a creative nature.

  Love on this level builds upon the key ingredient of the fourth energy center, namely learning how to give in relationships.  Fifth energy center relationships are even more rare on the planet, and may be found mainly among scientists, for example, or inventors who cooperate with each other to solve a problem such as putting a man on the moon or curing a disease.

            It is also sometimes seen in professional people who are doctors or accountants, who really care about their clients or patients in a very directed manner. 

            Here the love is not too personal or sexual or about power and control.  Instead, it is about giving in a more creative, thoughtful and directed manner.  One must use one’s head, in other words, and not just give randomly or sloppily to others.

            Personal relationships that are built upon this type of love are usually orderly and neat, functional and easy-going.  Often the participants show each other some “tough love” at times.  This is because each is looking out for the other more than for himself.  This is in contrast to the “friends” type of fourth energy center relationship that is more about just enjoying another person in an equal way.

            A fifth energy center relationship is more therapeutic, one might say.  In other words, it is not just about give and take, as is the fourth energy center energy.  Instead, each participant is actually trying to be of service to the other or to others, and not just giving randomly in a way that may not really be helpful for the other.

            This type of relationship is not that common, but the idea is growing as people seek more fulfilling relationships.  This is often what people are really looking for – one who will really care about the other, and not be selfish, and not just give to the other randomly, but actually figure out or discuss what is best for each other’s well-being, health and joy.


            Fifth energy center love needed for development.  This type or level of relationship is also increasing because it is needed for the survival of the spiritual part of a human being.  Human beings are here to do much more than make money, raise a family, have friendships or have other relationships.

            Development, as the word is used on this website, is the very specific process in which the energy centers begin to spin faster and grow larger.  Many other changes occur in the body, as well.  It is fulfilling the complete genetic potential of a human being.  It is discussed in a number of articles on this website.

            To move into this development fully, however, most people need to know that those around oneself really care and are loving.  This is where fifth energy center love is helpful.  It can teach others, especially children, that someone really cares and is always looking out for you.




            The sixth energy center is also called the third eye.  It is located roughly between the eyebrows in the middle of the head.  It looks somewhat like a lighthouse beam of light, extending widely to the front and out the back of the person’s head.

            Love that truly comes from this level is rare, indeed.  It is a kind of love that is mixed with more wisdom and knowledge.  It is sometimes associated with the love of a wise grandmother or grandfather, perhaps, because this energy center only develops in some people, and usually later in life.  It is rare that it develops much before the age of 50 or 60.

            The wisdom that it brings is cherished by all, at least by those who can appreciate it.  This is the reason that many native American tribes and other indigenous groups always were ruled by a council of elders, for example.  They believed, usually correctly, that the elders had more wisdom than the young people.  Their decisions would be more even-handed, more just, less selfish and less influenced by their lower energy centers and lower emotions.

            Love that is at this level has a definite selfless quality.  It is more universal, meaning it is not directed at just one person.  It is often self-sacrificing, at times, in order to be fair and just. 

            True justice begins to occur as part of love at this level.  True equal justice is based on the idea that all are brothers and sisters, and all must be treated equally regardless of their wealth, stature, color, race, religion, or other superficial qualities. 

            Some readers are familiar with the Roman goddess, Justia.  She is often portrayed as a woman who is blindfolded so she cannot judge by superficial qualities.  She holds a set of scales in one hand to weigh both sides of the case and a sword in the other hand, symbolizing her firm intent to carry out the law.


              Loving everyone.  As one moves up the seven levels of love, the love one feels and expresses becomes more the same for everyone.  It includes one’s close family and friends, but it also all others. 

            This, by the way, is very different from a popular type of love today that loves “the downtrodden”.  This is often a rebellious kind of second or third-energy center love that is often very angry with the authorities, rich people, or others who do not agree with them. 

            Just “loving the poor, the abused or the discriminated against” is thus not necessarily sixth energy center love at all.  A simple test is whether the person actually loves the rich and the selfish power-hungry vampire-like person who is doing the abusing just as much as he or she loves the poor person.

            Loving all souls equally is actually a very difficult task for most people.  Most are prone to favor those who are closest to them, such as family members, friends or lovers.  Others are prone to love more those who agree with their point of view, or those whom they can use in some way.




            The seventh physical energy center is also funnel-shaped.  This energy center begins at the pineal gland in the middle of the head, and it widens as it moves upward and slightly back toward the crown of the head.  When it grows larger, it helps form what looks like a halo around the head of some people.  This is depicted in many paintings of Jesus and the saints, for example.

            This energy center literally connects a person to his or her higher self the Holy Spirit or God.  In so doing, it brings with it an even higher type of love and wisdom to a human being.

            As a result, love takes on a different meaning at this level.  Instead of love being a separate activity, split off from other aspects of one’s life, love becomes the focus of one’s life.  One literally lives in order to love.  Love becomes one’s reason for living and one’s obsession, one might say.

            This is an even more selfless type of love, more non-sexual and more non-possessive.  It is about seeing how much you can assist others in their spiritual journey through life, and assist yourself as well, since you must always include yourself in the circle of your loving.

            This does not mean that one gives away all of one’s time or money.  It is more about one’s attitude toward others and toward life, in general.  One realizes that life is rich and full, and one need not seek for love, or for riches or friends.  If one focuses on giving out love as service, love will be returned tenfold or more.

            Another way to view this is that one connects to the Creator and extends the love of the Creator to all those around oneself.

            These are the sweet souls who long only to be the presence of love on the planet.  They do their best in whatever way they know how.  It is the highest expression of love that is available on the planet.


            Children today often born with some seventh energy center activity.  Many children today are born with some opening or activity of the seventh energy center.  They are intelligent, bright children. 

              They may have a difficult time in a “normal” family, which may be a dysfunctional family.  This can cause them to rebel, disobey, or they just act out as a way to balance the energy of the family.  This behavior is often mistaken for attention deficit disorder (ADD), or even other disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder.

              These children are future leaders of society who can think and imagine a society in terms of universal love.  While the seventh energy center usually does not open until the age of 30 or above, in these children it opens earlier.  They may suffer as children, but they can become great educators, leaders and wise teachers later in life.

            Seventh center love is discussed in more detail in the Real Self article, The Real Self Compact Disc Program, and in the book entitled The Real Self.




Below is a review of the sections above, to make it easier to apply it to yourself:

Energy center 1 – Survival

Energy center 2 – Emotional and often sexual

Energy center 3 – Power and Control

Energy center 4 – Friendship

Energy center 5 – Teamwork

Energy center 6 – Wisdom

Energy center 7 – Universal or Integrity

With the above in mind, look carefully at your life. Try to assess your motives, and the motives of those around you. The idea is not to judge yourself or others, but to learn to discern where people are “coming from”, as the saying goes.

Are they interested in second energy center love, which is mainly sex, or are they interested in third energy center love, which has to do with control and power over others?

Perhaps you know someone who is really involved in fourth center love, which is about friendship. You might know someone who is very interested in fifth energy center love, which is working with others and looking out for others – not in a selfish way at all, but because they realize at some deep level that we are all one.  Therefore, if one helps others, one helps oneself at the same time.  This kind of “love analysis” will help you greatly in your relationships, and it will help you to be truly happy.

Lower energy center love does not bring much happiness.  The happiness that it does bring tends to be temporary and therefore insecure.  It is the stuff of drama and the television news.  It causes romance that is destroyed in an instant by another’s unfaithful or lying behavior.

In contrast, the higher energy center type of love is often quiet and behind the scenes. However, it is far more enduring, unable to be hurt or stopped, and does far more for one’s self esteem and friendships than anything else one can do.  Think about it carefully as you go through your day and interact with people at work, at play and at home.


Words are not the same as actions.  An important caution in your love analysis is not to listen to people’s words, but rather take notice only of their actions.  Words are too easy to fake, or use for manipulation, and words are often confused or misunderstand.




When someone says, “I love you”, it has an entirely different meaning depending upon which energy center level the person is operating from.  Everyone needs to understand this clearly:

* For one who lives mainly in the first energy center energy, “I love you” means I need you to survive.

* For a person operating mainly from the second energy center, it means “I find you emotionally or sexually exciting”.

* For one who lives in a third energy center energy, “I love you” means “I enjoy my power and control over you”. It might also mean “I love manipulating you for my pleasure and gain”.

* For the person operating mainly at the fourth energy center level, it means, “I enjoy our give and take, perhaps our conversation, or just our friendship”.

* For the fifth energy center person, the words “I love you” may signify that “I want us to be a team, to create beautiful things, perhaps a child”. However, it could even be to create a beautiful business, or a factory or some other task or work.

* For the sixth energy center person, “I love you means “I understand you and I want only the best for you.”  It does not matter what you are doing, even if I think you are an idiot and a monster. 

It means I am here to assist you in your spiritual development, even if it means that you run from me and resent my help. That does not matter to me, as I am sure of who I am and I don’t need your friendship or your lower energy center attention, acceptance, or “love”.

* For the person living in seventh energy center energy, the words “I love you” means something even greater.  It means that you and I are one, at the highest level.  It means “I see the face of Christ in you”.  As I do unto you, I do unto myself, or as the Bible states, “As you do unto the least of them, so you do unto me (Christ)”.

Figuring out the energy center level of each person in your life, where your leaders and politicians are, where your nation is as a whole, and where your religion is, is one of the most valuable lessons and teachings that you will find.  Begin now and you will develop your expertise even faster.  If you enjoyed this article, you may also enjoy Love As Radiance.



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