by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© August 2015, L.D.Wilson Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
or the inability to become pregnant, plagues millions of women around the
world. Infertility is also always
a serious health concern, as it is a reflection on the health of the women
and/or their husbands. I hope this
article will reach thousands of couples who are concerned with having healthy
Note: A doctor may tell a couple that
the man’s sperm count is fine.
However, in some cases, the sperm cells are weak, and not motile
enough. This is why the wife
cannot become pregnant. It is a
subtle imbalance in the man’s body that can be missed by standard testing. For this reason, if a couple is infertile, both partners should follow a nutritional
balancing program in all cases.
Very often a nutritional
balancing program will overcome infertility, in my experience. Other nutrition programs, in my
experience, either do not work as well, or they cause a pregnancy, but they do
not enhance the mother’s health enough, and this can result is a birth defect
or in a sick child.
Only nutritional balancing
focuses first on the general health of the mother. When she has reached a certain level of health, assuming the
sperm are normal, she will become pregnant, in our experience. This cause of infertility is, in fact,
protective of the health of the mother and the baby.
is a complex human process that involves mechanical factors such as the ability
of the egg and sperm to travel along the fallopian tubes. It also requires adequate levels of the
sex hormones to promote conception, and then to properly support and nourish
the fertilized ovum. There is
rapid protein synthesis during early pregnancy, so the woman’s nutrition and
that of the ovum must be adequate or errors of DNA replication will occur,
often leading to miscarriage or birth defects. Pregnancy is a stress on the woman’s body so all of her body
systems must be in good enough shape to handle the stress, or she will often
problems in all these areas related to fertility are often due to nutritional
problems. Most young women are
just not well nourished. Their
bodies are also often loaded with toxic metals and toxic chemicals that further
interfere with their fertility.
Sadly, most conventional medical
doctors don’t pay nearly enough attention to these sometimes subtle problems of
young women. The pubic health
authorities are likewise ignorant on this subject, and their preventive measures
such as water fluoridation, vaccination and others often make the problem much
Infections. Many women also have chronic and
often hidden infections that affect the ability to become pregnant. These infections may affect the uterus,
the fallopian tubes, the ovaries, the vagina or other structures involved in
reproduction. Most are not
detectable on blood or other common medical tests because they are very chronic
or low-grade. Unfortunately, many
begin as sexually-transmitted infections.
I know this to be true because
when some women undertake a nutritional balancing program, old pelvic organ
infections will flare up and then go away for good. Resolving these infections can easily take several months to
several years or more. However, they
can be a key to becoming pregnant or maintaining a pregnancy. They can be a key to male reproductive
health as well.
No single hair mineral pattern causes infertility, in my experience. However, the presence of certain patterns makes pregnancy more difficult. These include a four lows pattern, a low sodium/potassium ratio, and in some cases, a sympathetic dominance pattern. As these patterns are corrected, fertility usually increases.
At times, I notice an emotional
stress pattern or trauma pattern on a hair mineral analysis of women who cannot
become pregnant. When this type of
block to pregnancy has been resolved, as often happens automatically with a
nutritional balancing program, pregnancy may occur easily.
The main problem with fertility drugs and mechanical or in
vitro fertilization methods is that they do not address the deeper issue of the
complete health of the mother, and therefore the future health of the
As a result, infant mortality,
birth defects, delayed development and serious problems of children are
skyrocketing in America and around the world. This is very unfortunate, but I would say the cause is
largely medical ignorance of the issues discussed in the paragraphs above. In fact, most young women today are in
terrible health, judging by the hair mineral analyses that I review on a daily
basis. I am surprised many of them
can bear children at all.
In the field of animal husbandry
or the livestock industry, it is well known that a common problem of
malnourished animals is an inability to reproduce properly. This applies as well to human
beings. Ranchers also know that to
produce the healthiest offspring, they must feed and nourish their herds as
well as they can. It is time we
learned this about human beings, as well, for it is the truth.
Enhanced nutrition
for pregnant and nursing mothers, in fact, is the rule in some of the most
healthy indigenous societies around the world. These groups of people go to great lengths to nourish young
women and mothers-to-be in special ways to assure healthy, successful
pregnancies and healthy children.
We can do the same, using modern scientific nutritional methods. Unfortunately, just following a
“balanced diet” or even an all-organic food regimen, is not enough, however.
Many times, an inability to
become pregnant is a blessing that is telling a woman she is nutritionally
unfit for pregnancy. Avoiding
pregnancy for her is helping her to avoid stress, illness and often problems in
her babies. If she will embark on
a complete nutritional program using a hair mineral analysis to guide the
correction process, in most cases she will be able to become pregnant when her
body chemistry becomes balanced.
I would urge any woman who is
even remotely concerned with fertility or ever getting pregnant to consider
undergoing a complete nutritional balancing program to improve her overall
health now, even as a young teen,
for example. It can take at least
five years to remove a dozen toxic metals and thousands of toxic chemicals from
the body. This is the best way to
prevent many problems with pregnancy and to improve the health of world’s
children, as well. I wish that
women, and their physicians, would think about their fertility problems in this
Nutritional balancing is also
helpful for complications of pregnancy such as morning sickness, gestational
diabetes, high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. All
these can often be prevented or minimized by following a nutritional balancing
program before and during pregnancy.
I am often asked if there is a
possibility of toxic metals that are eliminated by the mother during pregnancy
damaging her baby in utero. We have never had this occur, based on several hundred
pregnancies, at the very least, over the past 30 years or so.
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