By Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© August 2015, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.



Ideal Hips







Heavy Hips



Closed Hips

Twisted Hips

Tight Hips







The hips are a very important area of the body.  They are a balance and stabilization area.  They are also the location of the largest muscles of the body, used for walking, standing and much more.

They are also an area that is very prone to sexual trauma, especially in women.

Ideal hips.  The hips should be diamond-shaped and rather slender, with no cellulite or other deformities. 






Hip bones.  The pelvis is made of two large semi-circular bones.  They join together in the front of the body at the pubic bone.  They also join in the back, where they connect to the sacrum, a triangular bone that is the bottom bone of the spine.  Coming off the bottom of the sacrum is the tailbone.  It is a little tail, except that on humans it does not stick out of the body as it does on most animals.

Leg bones. Just below the hip bones are the top of the leg bones, the femurs – one on the right and one on the left.  They sit in a hollow on the bottom of the hip bones in such a way that one can move the upper legs in all directions.

Muscles.  The hips are the most muscular area of the body.  It contains 28 muscles that enable us to sit, stand, walk, run and do many other activities.

For example, in the buttocks area are the gluteal muscles.  These are the largest muscles of the body and are used for walking and standing up. 

On the inside of the hips are the adductor muscles.  These pull the legs inward.

In the front of the hips are the quadriceps.  These are large muscles that help us run and walk.  On the back of the hips are the hamstrings, which are also needed for standing and walking.

Fascia layer.  This is a layer of connective tissue that covers the muscles of the hips.

Arteries.  A very large artery, the femoral artery, goes through the hips.  It is deep inside the hips for protection.  There is one on either leg to bring blood down into the entire leg.

Veins. There are deep and superficial veins that return the waste-laden blood from the legs back up to the heart and the other organs so the blood can be cleaned up and oxygenated.

The veins have little valves in them so the blood can only move in one direction – back to the heart.  If the valves do not work well, one gets varicose veins.  These are swollen veins due to the pooling of blood in the legs.  They sometimes result from carrying a child, crossing your legs, or other weakness in the veins.  Copper imbalance is associated with varicose veins.

Nerves.  Muscles always have a rich nerve supply.  The leg muscles are no exception.  A large nerve emerges from the sacrum and goes down the back of the thigh and leg called the sciatic nerve. 

Many people develop pain that goes down the back of their thigh when this nerve is pinched a little due to misalignment or tightness of the hips.  The spinal twist procedures and chiropractic care can usually relieve this pain, although, at times, it can take a few months to years to release tension in the hips that causes the problem.

Skin. This covers the muscles, veins arteries, nerves and fascia, and protects them from infection.  The skin everywhere on the body has many other functions, such as sweating to reduce the body temperature, secretion of oil, and more.  For details, read The Skin.




The main function of the hips is movement of the body.  The hips are also designed to move apart slightly to allow a woman to deliver a baby.






Many clients report having large hips.  Often the legs, especially the upper legs, are also heavier than ideal.

This is associated with a slow oxidation rate and often low thyroid activity, which is almost universal.  We find that replacement thyroid hormones are not necessary to heal this condition. 

On a complete nutritional balancing program, the hips will slowly thin down, though it will often take a few years or more on a program. 

At times, large hips are the result of trauma such as molestation or rape.  This can also go away, but may take longer.




This is a mixture of fat and some adhesions.  It causes a dimpled appearance that is unsightly, and quite common today, even among teenagers and women in their twenties.  It used to only occur in women in their thirties and later.

Copper imbalance is particularly associated with cellulite.  Fortunately, it disappears with a complete nutritional balancing program.  Some women report just waking up one morning and their cellulite is gone.  For more on this topic, please read Cellulite on this website.




Saddlebags refers to what look like bags of fatty tissue that seem to hang off the hip area.  These go away on a nutritional balancing program.  It can take a few years, however, on a program. 












            A slow oxidation rate, which is very common among adults, is associated with more weight on the lower part of the body and a smaller upper body and breasts.  One of the most important corrections that occurs on a complete nutritional balancing program is a balancing of the oxidation rate, which is related to the metabolic rate, but is not quite the same.  Slow oxidation is associated with sluggish thyroid and sluggish adrenal gland activity.  For more on this topic, please read The Oxidation Types on this site.




            Sluggish thyroid activity is associated with a pear-shaped body and heavy hips.  In my experience, taking thyroid replacement hormones is not the answer, and is not needed to restore the thyroid, provided one can eliminate certain toxins from the thyroid gland. 

When they are removed, the thyroid begins to function normally on its own.  For much more on this topic, please read Thyroid Problems on this site.




            Copper imbalance, usually much too much copper in the body, is another cause of large hips.  This is related to a low thyroid gland, and slow oxidation.  Copper builds up in the body as the oxidation rate slows.  For more on this topic, please read Copper Toxicity Syndrome on this site.




Iodine in the proper balance in your body can help you to have very nice hips.  Most everyone today needs more iodine, thanks, in part, to the presence of large quantities of iodine antagonists in the environment.  These are chlorine (used to purify drinking water and many other uses), bromine (found in commercial breads, soda pop and elsewhere) and fluoride added to tap water in the United States and a few other nations. 

We use kelp to provide extra iodine.  We do not recommend other iodine preparations, nor do we recommend eating a lot of fish except for 3-4 cans of sardines weekly.  For more details, read Iodine.




            Some people exercise a lot to try to reduce their hip size.  I do not recommend this.  Some gentle exercise is excellent, but vigorous exercise is often harmful, for several reasons:


1. It is not necessary.  I know many doctors do not agree with this, but this is my experience, provided one follows a complete nutritional balancing program.


2. It wears out the body and wastes a lot of time.


3. In some cases, a lot of exercise is dangerous, and can cause a heart attack.


For much more on this topic, please read Exercise on this site.




                  Most people have some trauma in the hip area.  This applies to both women and men.  The reasons for this are:


1. Accidents and injuries.  These are common in children and in some adults.  The most common type of accidents are falls.  However, auto accidents, sports injuries and others also occur.  These often result in twists in the hip structure that cause nerve pain and perhaps other types of pain and deformity.


2. Sexual imbalances.  These may include sexual repression, fear, embarrassment, molestation and rape.  Injuries and accidents involving the sexual organs also often affect the shape and even the size of the hips.


3. Nutritional problems.  These often result in narrowing of the hips or other weakness in this area of the body.



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