by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© June 2012, L.D
Wilson Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
Unfortunately, many foods that are called “healthy”
today are not so healthy, in my experience. These foods include ones that are not well-absorbed,
somewhat toxic, or perhaps yin in Chinese medical terminology, or that somehow
upset the digestion. Among them
Salads. Raw
vegetables are thought to be excellent foods. However, I find they have the following problems, for which
reason I suggest cooking your vegetables:
1. Raw is too yin. This
means they are cold, expanded and centrifugal in their effects on our
bodies. This is not helpful today,
which is a yin time in history.
2. The minerals and some other phyto-chemicals
found in all vegetables are not as well absorbed when the vegetables are eaten
raw. Humans lack the digestive
enzymes to break down the tough vegetable fibers. Taking a digestive enzyme
does not usually solve the problem.
Thus, vegetables are best eaten cooked until they
are soft, or semi-soft, in order to absorb many of the wonderful minerals and
other nutrients they contain.
3. Other reasons to cook vegetables are to concentrate them so you can
eat more of them, and in places like restaurants and some nations, cooking is
very helpful to destroy parasite eggs, bacteria and other harmful items that
live on them.
Standard milk, cheese and yogurt. Commercial, pasteurized dairy products are often
not such high quality foods today.
Raw dairy is best, and the other decent product is organic dairy, though
raw is better.
Fruit and all fruit juices.
Fruits today have many problems.
Most are very yin in Chinese medical terminology. This means they are expanded, and sugary The mineral balance of most fruit is
also not good today. Also, fruit
is often sprayed, even if it is labeled organic, as fruit is very prone to
insect infestation. Most fruits
are hybrids, today, and not nearly as mineral-rich as some older varieties that
are hard to find. The water and
sugar in fruit, along with fruit acids, disturb digestion, and they upset the
entire body. Sadly, fruit, as a
category of food, is one of the most ruinous foods today, even organically
grown or home grown fruit.
All wheat products such as breads,
pastries, flour tortillas, wheat pasta, whole wheat cookies and muffins, and
other flour products. Wheat in all forms, even organic whole wheat, along
with spelt, is quite irritating to the digestive system because wheat is
severely hybridized and is no longer a good food. The hybids produce many more tons
of wheat per acre, but the mineral and protein content is much lower and the glutamic acid content is higher, making this an irritating
food. Some effort is being made to
change this, but it is not too far along.
Until wheat can be returned to a more healthful and less hydridized crop, I suggest avoiding ALL wheat and spelt
Fermented foods. These are highly recommended by many health
authorities for their probiotic quality and other
reasons. However, they are too
yin, like raw foods, and they all seem to contain toxic aldehydres. Please avoid them, except for some raw
cheese and yogurt.
Green “superfood”
powders, as opposed to green food capsules. These are also heavily promoted as health-giving “superfoods”. However, they are often rancid, which
is toxic, and they must be put into smoothies or drinks, which upsets digestion
badly (see below).
Instead, I suggest dried vegetable capsules, which
don’t go rancid nearly as fast, and kelp, a wonderful sea vegetable. Do not use the other sea vegetables as
much such as nori, wakame, dulse and the others.
They have less alginates that trap toxic metals such as mercury in the
sea vegetables and prevent its absorption. Also, I suggest avoiding the algaes
that are so popular - chlorella, spirulina and
blue-green algae. These seem less
compatible with human physiology in some way, although a little bit is okay.
Protein powders. I find that for most people, whole foods are
best. Problems with protein
powders are 1) yin because they are broken apart and processed, and because
they usually must be sweetened to eat them 2) bad combinations in smoothies and
drinks, and 3) often much less nutritious than the whole food such as an egg or
some raw cheese.
For protein, have 2 or 3 soft-cooked eggs, or a
little chicken, turkey, lamb or lentils.
However, limit red meat and beans to about two servings per week in most
Smoothies or shakes. This is difficult for many people to imagine, but smoothies are not
recommended at all. They are all
too yin because they are made of powders that are broken apart (very yin). Then one adds water or worse, something
sweet, which is also very yin.
In addition, they are usually difficult food
combinations for the body to digest.
Also, drinking a lot of liquid when you take your food interferes with
its proper digestion. For all
these reasons, smoothies actually damage the digestion. At best, they do not heal the digestive
tract, which is a primary aspect of health that everyone needs today. In most cases, they make it much worse,
no matter how “nourishing” they may be.
Beans. – low etheric energy food and slightly toxic.
Coffee. – great in enemas, but
irritating to the stomach and the nervous system when consumed as a beverage
more than 1 cup of regular coffee.
Juices. – 10-12 ounces of
carrot juices with a few spinach leaves or other greens is great. More than this is very yin and seems to
upset digestion as well.
Water. – spring water is
wonderful, and distilled for a few months is fine for detoxification. Carbon-filtered tap water is not too
bad in some locations. Other
waters don’t seem to work well, especially reverse osmosis, most shallow well
water, sadly, alkaline waters, fancy 3 or more stage filters, so-called
designer waters, and adding salts or minerals to your water.
Pig products. – May contain
trichina worm eggs or ova that are not destroyed by cooking, and for other
reasons that are less clear to me.
Vegetarian and semi-vegetarian diets.
These are too yin and very
deficient in essential nutrients, no matter what the vegans and vegetarians
Loads of dairy or milk. Even too much raw milk is too sweet and
yin. Limit milk intake to 4-6
ounces of raw milk or organic milk, and limit cheese intake as well to about
4-6 ounces daily or less. Dairy is
not an essential food, so don’t worry if you are allergic to it.
Too many combinations (complex
meals). This is a very common
‘health food nut’ error. More than
about 3 foods per meal, or less in some cases, is much harder on
digestion. Mono meals, meaning one
food at a meal, are very good, or just have a starch and a vegetables or two,
or have a meal of a protein and a vegetable or two. Do not combine heavy starch and heavy protein, ideally, as
this is also harder to digest.
Drinking with meals.
Tons of supplements.
Kombucha, gramma and rooibos tea.
Wine and chocolate.
Soy products.
Salmon and Tuna
Hard-boiled eggs or other hard-cooked
Most herbs
Homeopathic remedies
Natural or bio-identical hormones.
Wine – is junk.
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