by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
Ó February 2015, L.D.
Wilson Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
Heartburn or
gastric reflux is one of the most common symptoms in doctor’s offices. In almost all cases, it responds very
well to a nutritional balancing program without a need for drugs. In fact, the use of drugs for this
condition is very harmful for one’s nutrition, as they all reduce acid in the stomach
that is needed for proper digestion.
The main
causes for heartburn include:
Stress from
any cause, especially at mealtime.
This can cause a small portion of the stomach to protrude through the
diaphragm. Stress may also
aggravate an overacidic condition in the stomach.
imbalances. We find that heartburn or GERD often go away slowly on a
nutritional balancing program, indicating that the real cause is a subtle
nutritional problem whose exact origin I do not know.
A general inflammatory condition of the intestinal
tract. This can be due to low levels of omega-3 fatty acids, zinc
deficiency, biounvailable calcium and magnesium, or other nutritional
imbalances in most cases.
Excessive stomach acid.
However, this is actually rare, though it is possible in fast oxidizers.
Improper diet, usually one that contains wheat, hot spices, sugars or other
irritating or inflammatory foods.
Overeating may also be a factor, at times.
Improper eating habits, such as eating too fast, or when one is upset or
anxious. Too much anxiety can
cause the stomach to protrude a little through the diaphragm, allowing acid
from the stomach to flow into the esophagus and irritate it.
Weakness of the diaphragm in a few cases. This may allow a small part of the stomach to protrude through the
diaphragm, allowing acid from the stomach to irritate the esophagus.
Possibly infection in the stomach or esophagus that
irritates it.
and Eating Habits. Some cases
respond beautifully to a diet of mainly cooked vegetables and some animal
protein. Wheat and all sugar and
spicy foods should be eliminated completely. Reducing or even eliminating all the grains for a while may
help, if needed, for a while.
the diet, employing healthy eating habits, and balancing the body chemistry
using targeted supplements based on a properly interpreted hair mineral
analysis allows the intestinal tract to heal and relax. It also seems to permit a healing or
strengthening of the diaphram, perhaps, so that the stomach does not herniated
or slip upwards through the diaphram.
a hiatal hernia. When the top part of the stomach protrubes through the
diaphragm, the condition is called a hiatal hernia. One can reduce or get rid of this herniated condition at
home in most cases, with no need for special equipment or training. Here is the procedure:
1. Lie down comfortably on your bed or
on a carpet. Move your feet toward
your buttocks, so that your knees are raised off the bed.
2. Place two fingers of each hand in
the hollow spot that is just below your breast bone or sternum. This bone runs vertically in the middle
of the chest. At the bottom of it
is a small hollow.
3. Breathe in deeply. As you exhale, push your fingers into
your abdomen, and then move the fingers downward toward your feet. 4. Repeat
this maneuver about 5 times. It
will help push the stomach downwards back into the abdominal cavity.
procedures may need to be repeated a number of times because the hernia can
occur again, until the body becomes healthier, which may take months or longer
on a nutritional balancing program.
use for GERD. The use of medical drugs for GERD such as Nexium, Protonix
and others impairs digestion and this will have long-term adverse
consequences. The drugs reduce
acid production in the stomach.
This improves some symptoms, but then one is less able to digest food,
so that one’s nutrition suffers.
Therefore, drug use is not a good option, in my view.
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