by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© November 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
II. Examples Of Filth – Levels 1 through7
Filth, in this article, refers to all the materials, behaviors, attitudes, and ideas the alien group called the thugs, Rogues or Satans bring to earth. They do this to weaken, sicken, control, confuse and at times to kill the people, creatures, plants and other aspects of the earth.
This is an introduction to a large subject.
The intent is to illustrate how the rogues or negs use filth to take over and control a planet. The article is organized according to the 7 system.
Another goal is to provide examples of how the thugs or satans have brought about an entire reality of filth in every area of life.
We believe there is a natural order in the universe. However, another order or reality of filth, impurity, contamination and mixup has been brought to our planet at this time.
Toxic metals. The levels of toxic minerals on earth at this time are higher than any time in recorded history. It is not just due to industrialization. It is due to the thugs' deliberate effort to bring toxic metals to the earth.
Example include mercury, cadmium and arsenic in the oceans and smaller bodies of water. They also include iron, aluminum and manganese in our air, water, and food.
The thugs are excellent at making the planet appear fairly clean, but it is not so.
Toxic chemicals. The thugs have brought thousands of chemical poisons to the planet and have encouraged the use of poisons in agriculture, in manufacturing, in the gasoline used for the cars, and much more.
Medical drugs. While some of these break down quickly, others persist in the environment and now contaminate most city water supplies. The thugs control the medical profession and encourage the development and use of toxic drugs.
Biological poisons. These are hundreds of types of worms and parasites, bacteria, viruses, and fungal organisms. They now infect everyone on earth. This is not too well known, but it is true.
Many are difficult to detect, so they are ignored. We are learning more about them.
They are a very important control and warfare technology in use around the planet. The parasites and other diseases weaken the people, the animals and plants and make the planet much easier to control.
Damage to the food and water of the planet. Toxic chemicals, toxic metals, biological poisons and more are deliberately put into our food, water and air.
Electronic equipment. The thugs love electronic devices. They bring shiploads of them to our planet every day. Some are weapons. Some are spy devices. Some are communication devices, and much more.
These devices give off harmful radio and other frequencies that are used to monitor, control and sicken the people, animals and plants of our planet.
Most of their equipment is cloaked and therefore hidden from view. Cloaking is an advanced science that is not allowed to us, but they use it extensively. It involves radio and musical frequencies that make seeing things difficult.
Some of their equipment is visible, such as cell phone towers and other types of antennas and towers that are springing up all over the world. One of the newest is the Starlink system, which I am told is not primarily for internet access, but rather is a spy and weapons system of theirs.
Other types of equipment. Not all their equipment is electrical in nature. Some is mechanical devices designed to get in our way such as too many satellites in the sky.
The equipment is of many types, but all of it is filth in terms of the planet – not needed and getting in the way of the health of the people, animals and plants of the earth.
Witchcraft toxins. The thugs use witchcraft, which is a science of influencing others using special materials, special toxins and more. Some that people have heard of are called spells and curses. These are very difficult to see, but they are real and they damage health in many ways.
Other. Those defending the earth come across new technologies and equipment of all sorts most every week or two. The thugs have many unusual technologies used for war purposes.
Sexual filth. This is the best word we can think of to describe the type of sexual slavery that the thugs force on most, if not all women on earth. The women, in turn, spread it to most boys, men and to their children.
The thugs routinely and very deliberately violate all rules of cleanliness, decency, dignity and honor in this area. They also very deliberately violate all our rules and laws about adultery, incest, fornication and rape. They also force people into all types of aberrant sex – with animals, with plants, homosex, and using hundreds of machines.
They have imposed a new sexual order based upon rape.
They filth up the bodies sexual diseases, humiliation and many types of damage related to the sexual organs. It a deliberate weapons used to weaken women, their male partners and all future children.
The extent of this crime of filth is enormous, but it is well hidden. The thugs are experts at hiding the evidence, medical and otherwise, from view. Women and some men are forced to keep silent or lie about it or they are beaten more and killed.
Emotions. The thugs embarrass, humiliate, terrorize, instill fear and anger, teach false guilt, and teach other negative emotions.
They use starvation, poisoning, rape, beatings, and other tortures such as screaming at people in order to damage the emotions of the women and anyone whom they choose. Once again, much of it is disguised and done secretly using hi-tech methods.
The thugs throw everyone out of control in order to increase their control over the planet. They use hundreds of methods to weaken and destroy people's sense of control over their lives. For example, they routinely violate thousands of laws in the nations that are designed to maintain order and peace.
They have wrecked the financial system, upon which people depend for stability in their lives. They also damage thousands of products on earth that people depend upon for their life and more.
The thugs keep a facade of normalcy in the social realm. There are friendships, families, communities and nations. In fact, however, the thugs have imposed a secondary and totalitarian social order upon the earth.
Its basic qualities are that they are in charge of the social order and system of the planet. If you don't go along with the whole thing you are beaten, raped and poisoned more. If that does not work, people are just killed.
Friendships. For example, many “friends” are not real friends. They are forced associations or they occur through manipulation and brainwashing.
Movement. The thugs more and more control people's movement. They monitor the roads, the bodies, the homes and much, much more. They attempt to decide who goes where, with whom, and for what purpose.
They damage and distort the social order in many other ways through control of the media, social media and much, much more. Perhaps we will write about this in the future.
Silencing. They are excellent at silencing people through threats, torture, weakening the bodies and minds, lying and more. This kind of silence – out of fear - is pure filth! It has devastating effects on the bodies and minds and basically wrecks most communication on our planet at this time.
Work. It looks like people do regular jobs. However, more and more, the thugs decide who works where, what they do, and more. There is more and more cheating, poor quality work, overcharging, and lack of safety at work especially for women.
Families and marriage. They use manipulation, and many times use force, to decide who marries, when they marry and whom they marry. They impregnate women and force women to lie to their husbands that it is their baby when it is not.
Many families are not real families. They are lies and what are called rape marriages.
Creativity. The thugs influence modern writing, music, art, dance and all forms of expression.
Lying. This level is one of the worst types of filth. It includes speaking and promoting lies, teaching lies to children, forcing women to lie to their husbands and family, and lying to everyone if it promotes their agenda. Lies are among the worst filth!
False doctrines. The thugs teach many false doctrines such as critical race theory, gender identity, and much more.
Censorship. One of the worst forms of lying is censorship. This is deliberate altering of the internet, radio, television, newspapers, magazines and all media including social media for the purpose of control and manipulation.
Religion. The thugs have infiltrated, altered and mixed up all the religions of which we are aware. This may sound extreme, but we believe it is true. As a result, the world's religions not as helpful as they once were and as they should be.
Tuning in. The thugs damage the souls, the bodies and the brains in specific ways to interfere and ruin communication with higher levels of reality – one's relationship with God or Source.
Awareness. It is important to know about the thugs and their activities on earth. We have a number of articles on this website about their programs and activities.
Healing the souls and bodies. The healing program we offer, called the development program, can help undo some or perhaps most of the damage done by the thugs. One needs to follow the program as much as possible at all levels – physical (nutritional), emotional, simple mental, social, expressive, intellectual and spiritual.
Coffee. I am told that coffee is an excellent remedy when used properly in enemas. They don't like it and it heals and cleans up many types of filth in the souls and bodies.
Attitude correction – Thy Will. It is best to ask for the truth and ask for the Will Of God or Thy Will in every moment and in every area of your life. This is safer and is the direction we recommend everyone go.
Getting rid of them. There are efforts underway to clean up the planet and remove the thugs or satans. One method is to move the planet and solar system to a safer area of space.
The efforts are just beginning. You can help with your intention and prayers and perhaps more.
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