by Dr. Lawrence
October 2022, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for
educational purposes only. It is
not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health
Definition. Milk is the basic dairy product. It can come from various animals, and is used in many
nations as a staple food. Human
breast milk is the ideal food for babies, but if it is not available other
animal milks can serve as substitutes.
Milk can be consumed in its
fresh state or processed into cheese, whey, cream, butter, colostrum, yogurt,
kefir, buttermilk and a few other products. Sometimes milk is further isolated or broken down into
substances such as casein, calcium supplements, sodium caseinate
(a milk protein) or lactose (milk sugar).
Most dairy products do not
contain much of the chemicals needed for development. Therefore, please limit milk, cheese, yogurt and kefir
to no more than four ounces per day or about 100 grams daily.
An exception (2018) is that we
recommend about 8 ounces of plain goat yogurt per week for adults and less for
children. This amount of goat
yogurt does seem helpful for early development.
Dairy products are one of the
few products that we suggest eating uncooked. Cooking milk, cheese or other dairy products tends to damage
raw dairy
products in the United States are good, but small dairies usually cannot afford
certification and it is not necessary.
If raw dairy is not available in
your area, you may be able to contact a dairy farmer directly to obtain it.
dairy products or dairy from animals that are pasture-fed is definitely better than commercially-produced dairy products.
Yin. Milk, cheese, yogurt and butter are all
quite yin. Yin means cool and
expanded in macrobiotic terminology.
It is a physics quality.
Milk is the most yin dairy product, while cheese is about the best.
This is the reason that all dairy products must be limited on a development program. In addition, many dairy products are of poor quality, as explained below.
Some dairy products are unclean, so be careful. Some are also heavily processed, as explained below.
2. Pasteurization. Pasteurization mean either heating milk to about 149° F. or 65° C. for about 30 minutes (the batch method). A more modern method is called the continuous method, and involves heating the milk to 161° F. or 72° C. for at least 16 seconds by passing it over copper rollers. This adds copper to the milk, which is not desirable. Another method is called ultra-pasteurization that is at a higher temperature and is even worse.
The rationale for
pasteurization is to kill pathogenic bacteria. Unfortunately, it also destroys some vitamins C and E,
denatures or ruins some delicate proteins in the milk, damages the fat in the
milk, and severely damages the bioavailability of the calcium in the milk. In addition, it can affect hundreds of
enzymes, hormone factors, immune
factors, and more. No one
seriously disputes this fact.
Pasteurization may have been necessary 100 years ago in America. Today, however, with modern refrigeration and clean farming practices, it is not needed, given the great damage to the milk. However, certain interests viciously defend pasteurization. Among the real reasons are:
1. Pasteurization causes the centralized control of the milk industry. This is very hard on small dairy farmers, who are not permitted to sell their milk directly to consumers, but must cater to the centralized pasteurization facilities that can set milk prices, etc.
2. Pasteurization allows some sloppy dairy farmers to have sick, infected cows that give infected milk. The attitude is that the bacteria will be killed with pasteurization, so who cares if the cows are malnourished and sick.
3. Many doctors and other health authorities do not understand the nutritional damage to milk done by pasteurization, and do not respect the right of people to have choice in their food. Most of them also have no interest in providing the best food to the people of America and other nations.
3. Homogenization. Homogenization prevents the fat in milk from separating and rising to the top of the container, as it should.
Homogenization turns milk into a
much more toxic and yin product.
It causes the fat particles to be surrounded by whey and casein, which
is unnatural. Also, the fat
particles are so small they can be absorbed directly into the blood stream
without digestion. This is very
harmful for the body because fat should be digested before it is absorbed. It causes many milk allergies, among
other problems.
Homogenizing milk involves forcing it through tubes with a tiny diameter at extremely high pressure to break the fat globules in the milk into much smaller particles. The process may also involve extreme heat, so it also has an effect similar to a second pasteurization process, as well.
Hybrid cows. Due to hybridization, today’s dairy
cows produce two to three times as much milk as did cows
100 years ago. However, the cows
are not hormonally balanced, and the result is a much less healthful and more
yin milk. This applies to most
“organic” milk, as well.
A few dairy farmers are bringing back what are called heirloom cows. These are older non-hybridized cows that are far healthier, but give less milk. This trend, however, is still very early and such milk is difficult to locate.
5. Drugs in the milk. Many, if not most dairy cows are very sick today due to their hybrid genetics, improper diets and bad living conditions. As a result, antibiotics and other drugs are used liberally on many of them. Residues of these drugs pass easily into the milk.
An improvement is something called organic milk, which is supposed to be from cows raised and handled more naturally. I suggest this type of milk, cheese and yogurt if you can find it.
Other additives. Some milk contains chemical
vitamins such as synthetic vitamin D added to it. Please do not drink this milk, as the chemicals make it more
yin and less healthful.
Also avoid junk dairy such as
chocolate milk and artificial cheeses such as Kraft singles and Velveeta. A dairy worker once told me that milk
that is slightly spoiled and tastes bad is used to make chocolate milk. Enough sugar and cocoa is added so the
person cannot taste the spoiled product.
Another horror are the “milk shakes”, “floats” and “frappes” from the fast
food restaurants that barely contain any natural ingredients.
Another poor quality product is
any cooked cheese, milk or yogurt.
This is found in all pizza, quiche, lasagna and many other dishes. Cheese, milk and yogurt should be eaten
in the natural state.
In the United
States, over 100 years ago scientists and doctors knew pasteurized milk was
unfit for babies, in particular, and made them ill. Pasteurization was used commonly to prevent diseases
associated with drinking dirty or contaminated milk. As a result, a much better method of protecting milk was
devised called certification
of the safety of raw milk.
The standards
include that the herd of cows be free of tuberculosis and brucellosis, with
tests every two years. Also, the
milk must contain less than 10,000 bacteria per milliliter. Equipment is inspected and the milk
testing frequently. An even
stricter system is the newer Raw USA milk standards.
Lobbying by the
large dairies has contributed a lot to banning the sale of raw milk in most
states in America. The large
dairies see it as competition that they cannot control. However, in my experience, raw milk
that is produced in a healthful way, as most of it is, is safe and a much
better product than pasteurized and homogenized milk.
We don’t know
whether other nations have certification programs.
Organic Milk. A recent attempt to improve the quality of milk by the health food
community is the development of a standard called organic
dairy products. While I am not sure of the exact requirements,
presumably fewer drugs, pesticides and other harmful practices are used in the
production of this milk. In fact,
it does appear to be a better product, although most, sadly, is still
pasteurized and some is homogenized as well.
Milk is often treated as a
beverage. However, while it can be
drunk, it is really a very rich food.
Downing a huge glass of milk is not wise at any time. Milk should be sipped, as babies take
it, to obtain all the nourishment it offers. Drinking huge quantities at once are harmful, as it is not
that easy to digest.
There are several reasons for
this. Whole milk is very rich in
fat. This is not easy to digest
and is one reason that milk is processed to remove the fat. Second, milk is rich in lactose, a
sugar that is also difficult for many adults and also for some children to
digest. This is another reason why
mixing it thoroughly with saliva in the mouth is a very wise idea. This is one reason that cheese and yogurt are much easier to digest than plain milk, especially
for many adults.
Babies who drink milk or formula
too fast often vomit it up rather than try to digest it when it has not mixed
with some saliva. Saliva can help
greatly to digest milk sugar.
In addition, milk is high in
calcium. Calcium is a needed
mineral, of course, especially for babies. However, drinking too much of it at once tends to alkalinize
the stomach. This is not healthful
because the stomach is supposed to be quite acidic for proper digestion.
milk is the
milk as it comes directly from the source. It is called whole because it contains all of its cream or
fatty part.
However, milk is also commonly
sold in containers that offer low fat, 2% cream and no fat milk, which is also called skim milk
because the fat is skimmed off the milk at the dairy or a processing plant.
Some people buy the
low-fat varieties because they believe or are falsely told it will keep them
and their children from gaining weight.
The opposite is often true, however. The fat is needed.
If the child does not get it, he will drink more than he needs of the
skim milk, causing him to ingest too much sugar in the process. Sugars often cause most weight gain,
not quality fats as are found in quality milk.
Eating more fats
actually helps many children and adults to lose weight, especially those with
fast oxidation rate. See the
articles on the Oxidation Types to
understand why. Skim and low-fat
milks are not good for most adults, either. It is too high in sugar in many cases.
Buttermilk. This is a partially fermented milk, often with a high fat
content. It is easier to digest
for some adults than regular milk because the yeast or ferments consume some of
the sugar in the milk. However,
the ferments can make it more difficult to digest for others. For this reason, it is not highly
recommended. A small amount on
cereal may be okay, but that is all that is best. Children who are fast oxidizers may feel better on quality
buttermilk, which is hard to find because it should be organically raised and
minimally processed, which means certified raw.
Colostrum. This is the first milk that a female
animal produces after giving birth.
It has a slight bluish color and is the finest milk in the sense that it
contains special immunoglobins and other substances
that help prepare the intestinal tract of the baby to receive all food items in
the future.
that until a baby begins to feed, the intestinal tract is not in use, since all
nutrition and development depends on the blood that flows from the placenta to
the baby through its naval or bellybutton area. Thus the intestinal tract must be primed, so to speak, with
bacteria and other flora in order for it to work correctly.
this reason, the horrible practice of starting a newborn on formula in the
hospital if the mother cannot begin to breastfeed immediately is a totally
insane practice that just causes illness in the baby. Every effort should be made to assist a baby to obtain colostrum immediately when he or she wants to begin feeding. There is no reason to force this
process, as the baby may require rest or sleep for hours after a difficult
delivery, or any birth, for that matter.
easiest way to obtain colostrum is to allow and, if
needed, assist the mother to start breast feeding. Dried colostrum
powder is not nearly as good.
If the mother cannot breastfeed
and the baby is calling for milk, another woman should be found to offer some
milk, preferably, before resorting to formula. This may sound unclean, but it is far healthier in most
cases than formula of any kind and would result in much healthier babies.
In some nations, formula is given out to hospitals and birthing centers at no charge
by companies that want to “hook” the babies on the taste of formula. Then they will never want to
breastfeed. This supports the
formula company, but does nothing beneficial for the child or the mother. The mother is left with engorged
breasts and a colicky child in most instances. We can only hope that the practice of giving formula in the
hospital to newborns will be abandoned sometime soon, though I doubt it as it is “convenient” and inexpensive.
Yogurt, Kefir
and other fermented milk products.
These are very popular.
They are often easier to digest because the milk
sugar, to which some are allergic, has been consumed by the fermenting
organisms added to the milk.
The best kinds are made from
organic milk, and are plain rather than sweetened with fruit or other
sugars. Also, the best are
full-fat and live culture. This
means the fermenting organisms are still alive. Many, such as lactobacillus acidophilus, are healthful for
the human intestine in many cases.
Most yogurt and kefir that is sold, however, is pasteurized,
homogenized, flavored, low-fat and not live culture. This is not a very
healthful product and should be eaten only rarely.
and Canned Milks. These
are poor quality products and should not be used.
milk is much harder to digest in most instances, as it is prepared by spraying
the milk over copper rollers in many cases that add copper to the milk, a
chemical element that is not usually found in milk in any appreciable quantity.
Canned milks are usually even worse, and are often old.
Chocolate Milk. This is a horrible
concoction for anyone. Don’t ever
give it to children, as it is mostly sugar. Chocolate milk sold in stores often contains older or poorer
quality milk whose taste is disguised by the sugar and chocolate flavors.
While there is much
controversy over the nutritional wisdom of eating dairy when one is an adult,
most agree that babies love milk, especially human milk.
Mother’s milk is by
far the best for babies for dozens of reasons. I will just name a few, however, to make the point.
To begin with, it is
uniquely made for human babies. A
second reason is that it is free from harmful bacteria in most cases. When formula is made up, the purity of
the water and even the container are unknown. This is a common source of infection among formula-fed
A third reason is
the nutritional content is far better than any formula, and much better than
cow or goat or sheep milk as well.
For more breastfeeding, an extremely important subject, see our article
entitled Breastfeeding.
Alternatives to Breast Feeding. If mother’s milk is not
available or is not tolerated well, a number of options exist. Here is a list of these, from best to
worst. Please look at it
carefully, because too many babies are immediately placed on store-bought formula which is about the worst alternative.
A Wet nurse is, by far, the best alternative to having
one’s own mother’s milk, and may be better if for some reason the baby will not
tolerate the mother’s milk. This
could be due to the mother’s health, psychological condition or some other
For this reason,
nursing mothers need to exercise care when taking vitamins or any medications,
even over-the-counter drugs.
Babies can be extremely sensitive to them. Always take the vitamins or medication at least two to three
hours before starting breast feeding.
If the baby will not
tolerate the mother’s milk for any reason, a wet nurse is an old idea that
should be revived. Some nursing
women have too much milk and would gladly help with another baby. The baby could feed at the breast or
the milk can be expelled or pumped into a container. Even a little of this is wonderful.
2. Formulas: A meat-based formula is one option. It is best using lamb, for example,
that is cooked, preferably boiled for a while and then shredded. This, however, is a lot of work and may
not taste best, either.
Also, be sure with
any bottle feeding not to warm the milk, either
mother’s milk or other, in a microwave oven if possible. Use a pan with hot water in it and
place the bottle in the water.
This is not only much gentler.
It will not burn the milk, or introduce plastic from a plastic bottle as
much into the milk. Microwaves may
also damage the nutrients in the milk.
For the recipes for
a meat-based natural formula, read Natural Baby
3. The animal milk formula.
This is almost as good as the meat formula and much easier to
prepare. Goat milk, preferably raw
and certified, is often less allergenic, but organic cow milk, preferably raw
and certified, is also good for many babies. Always modify non-human milks for babies by adding fish or flaxseed oil
and vitamins and minerals. The essential fatty acids contained in these
oils are critical for a baby’s brain development. For the recipe for a milk-based natural formula, read Natural Baby Formula.
4. Nut, seed or bean milks.
These should not be called milks because they are not nearly as
nutritious as real animal or human milk.
They are also very yin in macrobiotic terminology. We suggest avoiding them all. This
includes soy, almond, hemp and other nut and seed milks.
5. Grocery Or Drugstore Canned or Packaged Formula. The worst food for babies is often a
drugstore formula that is loaded with sugar, artificial flavors, some powdered
milk or milk substitute and comes in a can.
All dairy products
should be eaten in as natural and whole a state as possible. Organically raised animals are the best
sources, where this is possible.
Cream And Butter. Whole milk separates if left standing for several hours or
more. The liquid part is called
milk and goes to the bottom. On
top is the fat, which is called cream.
If the cream is whipped or
churned for an hour at least, its chemical structure changes and it becomes butter. Butter is very similar to cream, but is
much harder at room temperature and can be more easily spread on foods like
Butter is not quite as healthful
as the original cream because the chemical reaction needed to make it destroys
a little of the cream’s beautiful structure. However, butter and cream are both good fats, especially if
the cows are allowed to graze freely.
In this case, the butter and
cream have a rich texture that contains a good quantity of omega-3 fatty acids
that are much needed today. Sadly,
if one pasteurizes the cream or butter, much of this is destroyed. If possible, always use raw butter and
cream and do not cook them. If
they are to be added to a dish, cook the rest of the dish and add the cream at
the end.
Cheese is made in
special ways that change the properties of the milk substantially. The process varies, but is basically
the following:
1. The milk is
usually heated to above room temperature, but not to a boil.
2. Then a “culture”
is added to the milk. This
consists of live bacteria or other organisms. In the warm milk, the added organisms grow fast.
3. The product is
left overnight, and sometimes for much longer. The result is called curds and whey.
Both are nutritionally rich.
The curds are more solid and contain more protein. The whey is usually watery, richer in
certain sugars and has a sweeter taste.
4. The next step is
to separate the curds from the whey.
This is done traditionally by forcing the water out of the curds with a
cheese press or squeezing the curds in a cheese cloth,
a semi-permeable piece of cloth that only allows the whey to pass through.
If the process stops
here, one gets what is called cottage
cheese, named after people making simple cheese in their own
homes. Among Italians, a fresh
cheese that is healthful is called ricotta.
Aged Cheeses Harder
To Digest. If cheese processing
continues, the cheese is allowed to dry somewhat and usually is placed in molds
to form its shape. Often the
cheese is aged, which means it is left to settle for a number of days or
longer. This end product is called
aged cheese
and is usually harder in texture.
Junk Cheeses. Most cheese today is
mass-produced in huge batches and many shortcuts are taken to produce it
faster. For instance, many
chemicals may be added to it, it is not aged naturally, and preservatives and
other chemicals are added to make it keep longer.
As a result, most
cheese is close to junk food status.
This is what your child is eating when he or she eats most pizza, for
example, or most Mexican dishes.
It is especially the case in restaurants, where cutting costs is the
primary consideration, and not your health.
The worst cheese is
called “cheese food” or “processed cheese”. Velveeta and Kraft make this fake food. Its ingredients don’t let you know that
it may be made from rejected milk and other dairy products that cannot be sold
fresh. Then many chemicals,
colors, flavors and more, are added and even glue is
added to give it “consistency”.
This is not really a food, but it is what is served in some schools,
many restaurants and even in fancy establishments as well.
A Word About
Margarine. Margarine, shortening, Crisco, non-dairy
creamers and related products are often found in the dairy section of
supermarkets. However, they bear
little resemblance to real dairy products. They contain hardly any nutrients and many toxic
Never eat these
unless you are starving to death and they are the only available foods. They are all quite harmful to our
bodies. Despite scientific
evidence regarding their harm, they are widely used in restaurants, in
particular. They are also found in
hundreds of prepared food items from peanut butter and eggs cooked in them, to
almost all pastries, rolls and other baked goods.
For more on this
subject, see the article on this website entitled Butter Versus
Many adults (and
children, too) have a milk sensitivity or “allergy”. This can cause stomach pain, a runny nose and many other
possible symptoms. In a few cases,
it seems to result in a milk addiction.
Read Food Addictions for more
information on this interesting topic.
The adult problem
with most milks may be due to the casein (milk
protein) or lactose (milk sugar).
However, it can be to other constituents of milk as well.
Some contend that
the reason for the allergies is that adults should not consume dairy products
as they are designed for suckling babies.
However, most cultures in the world do consume dairy into adulthood, including
many extremely healthy populations in Europe, for example. Asians and black-skinned people often
have more problems with dairy products as a rule, and consume much less of
them. It appears that the
Caucasian or white race can digest dairy protein better.
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