by Helly R. Goez, MD, Francois D.
Jacob, MD, Jerome Y. Yager,
Author Affiliations, Division of Pediatric
Neurology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Journal of Pediatrics, 2011; 127:2 e505-e508; published ahead of
print January 3, 2011, doi:10.1542/peds.2010-2391
Copper is a trace element that is required for cellular
respiration, neurotransmitter biosynthesis, pigment formation, antioxidant
defense, peptide amidation, and formation of connective tissue.
Abnormalities of copper metabolism have been linked with
neurologic disorders that affect movement, such as Wilson disease and Menkes
However, the diagnosis of non-Wilson, non–Menkes-type copper-metabolism
disorders has been more elusive, especially in cases with atypical
We present here the case of an adolescent with a novel
presentation of copper-metabolism disorder who exhibited acute severe
hemilingual dyskinesia and prominent tics, with ballismus of the upper limbs,
but had normal brain and spinal MRI results and did not show any signs of
dysarthria or dysphagia.
His serum copper and ceruloplasmin levels were low, but his
urinary copper level was elevated after penicillamine challenge. We conclude
that copper-metabolism disorders should be included in the differential
diagnosis for movement disorders, even in cases with highly unusual
presentations, because many of them are treatable.
Moreover, a connection between copper-metabolism disorders and
tics is presented, to our knowledge, for the first time in humans; further
investigation is needed to better establish this connection and understand its
underlying pathophysiology.
diseases, metabolic
disorders, copper
dyskinesia, tics,
Wilson’s comments:
In our experience, just taking zinc often will not correct a copper
imbalance. We believe the authors
of this study were fortunate in that the young man responded well. For more about copper imbalances, read Copper Toxicity Syndromes.
Copper is needed in the body in trace amounts and serves as a
cofactor of enzymes that are involved in many key processes required to sustain
life; among these processes are cellular respiration, neurotransmitter
synthesis, detoxification of free radicals, protein amidation, pigment
production, iron oxidation, and formation of connective tissue.1,–,3
Despite these benefits, copper is also involved in the formation of free
radicals; hence, its level needs to be kept within a narrow range.3
Abnormalities in copper metabolism have been described in a few
disorders that affect the central nervous system, such as Wilson disease and
Menkes disease.1,4,–,6
In recent years, some reports were published of neurologic
disorders associated with abnormal copper metabolism that did not fit the
criteria for any known disease, which were generally referred to as non-Wilson,
non-Menkes copper-metabolism disorders; many of the patients in these cases presented
with movement disorders (dystonia, myoclonus, tremor, or parkinsonism), gait
disturbances, dysarthria, cognitive degeneration, sensory deficits, and
abnormal brain and spinal MRI results.7,–,17
We present here the case of an adolescent with a novel
presentation of non-Wilson, non–Menkes-type copper-metabolism disorder
that differs greatly from all other cases described to date.
A 16-year-old boy presented with complaints of abnormal tongue
movements that had started ∼6 weeks
before referral. The patient had been previously healthy.
He had no history of preceding infection, travel, or drug
ingestion, and his family history was unrevealing. The tongue movements were
described as “snake-like”; his tongue deviated to the left in a twisted fashion,
and waveform movements of the right side of his tongue were noted (Fig 1).
The movements were continuous in nature and were greatly
suppressed when the patient was asked to voluntarily extrude his tongue (Fig 2) (see
also Supplemental Movie 1, from which the figures were taken, for better
illustration of the tongue movements).
The movements did not interfere with swallowing or speech and
did not persist during sleep. Over the course of the 3 weeks that followed, the
activity progressed to involve his hands, which moved in a flapping-like
Some movements were sudden and coarse, whereas others were
jerking movements that involved proximal and distal parts of his upper limbs.
Twitching leg movements that involved his thighs and feet, which resembled
jumping movements, appeared as well. In parallel, some events of tilting of his
neck and torso were noted; each lasted from a few hours to a day.
These tilting events resolved spontaneously and did not occur
during sleep. Neither before nor during that period were any cognitive, mental,
emotional, social, or academic changes observed. Moreover, no changes in eating
or sleeping patterns were noted.
On neurologic examination, the patient was alert and attentive and
in no distress. The unique tongue movements described above were noted, as were
the limb movements (sudden ballismic movements, tic-like movements of the upper
and lower limbs);
These limb movements could be suppressed voluntarily, although
the patient stated that he needed to focus and put effort into it. He also
complained of muscle pain after trying to suppress them for more than a few
minutes. When asked to perform a complex unilateral motor task, occasional
jerking movements were evident.
No neck- or torso-tilting was noted. The patient exhibited
normal cranial nerves, cerebellar function, tone, muscle strength, deep-tendon
reflexes, gait, and coordination. Results of a mini–mental status
examination were normal.
Ophthalmologic evaluation, which included visual acuity and
slit-lamp examinations, was unrevealing. No evidence of Kayser-Fleischer rings,
retinal deposits, or cataract was noted.
Investigation revealed normal complete blood count, electrolyte,
calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, E, and B12, liver enzyme, lactate
dehydrogenase, and albumin levels, renal function, and glucose, thyrotropin,
free thyroxine, creatine kinase, and lactate levels. A peripheral blood smear
did not reveal any acanthocytes.
A lipid profile included measurement of high- and low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, lipoprotein A, and apolipoproteins A
and B, the results of which were all normal.
Serum and urine amino acid and organic acid levels were normal
as well. Immunologic and serologic studies included antistreptolysin and
anti-nuclear antibody screens, the results of which were both negative. His
immunoglobulin G, M, A, and E levels were normal.
His α-fetoprotein level was normal, as were his levels of
acute phase reactants and C-reactive protein and his sedimentation rate.
Results of a throat swab and blood and urine cultures were all negative.
Results of a toxicological screen were also negative. His
ceruloplasmin and copper levels were low: 0.13 g/L (normal range:
0.17–0.66 g/L) and 8 μmol/L (normal range: 11–28 μmol/L),
respectively. These results were reproduced on 3 occasions.
A 24-hour urine collection revealed normal copper excretion;
however, a penicillamine challenge revealed increased urinary copper levels of
6.2 μmol/day (normal range: 0.1–0.8 μmol/day).
These increased values were much higher than the norm but still
significantly lower than the diagnostic value for Wilson disease, which is
>25 μmol/day.18 After this challenge test there was
significant worsening of the limb and tongue dyskinetic movements. Results
of abdominal ultrasound and brain MRI were normal.
Results of ATP7B gene sequencing for Wilson disease were
negative, which, combined with the absence of Kayser-Fleischer rings, the
normal MRI, and the results of the penicillamine challenge, strongly argued
against a diagnosis of Wilson disease.
Results of a molecular diagnostic test for Huntington disease
also came back negative. Basal ganglia stroke was ruled out because of the
normal MRI results, which showed no signs of lesions in the basal ganglia.
Psychogenic disorder was considered; however, the pathologic
laboratory findings, combined with the fact that no cognitive, mental,
emotional, social, or academic changes were reported, argued strongly against
psychogenic etiology.
The patient was started on an oral zinc gluconate supplement at
a dose of 50 mg 3 times per day because tetrathiomolybdate is not commercially
available in Canada and trienthine has been reported to cause irreversible
worsening of neurologic symptoms.1,–,4 Eight
weeks after initiation of treatment, the movements disappeared, although his
copper and ceruloplasmin levels had not yet been normalized.
Copper is a trace element that serves as a cofactor of enzymes
that are involved in many key processes required to sustain life, such as
tyrosinase, superoxide dismutase, cytochrome c oxidase, dopamine
β-hydroxylase, and ceruloplasmin.5,–,7
However, this metal also causes the production of the free
radical superoxide, which makes the healthy systemic range of copper very
It has been established that both copper deficiency and
excessive copper result in damage to the central nervous system, as evidenced
by the neurologic disorders Menkes disease and Wilson disease. Menkes disease
is caused by impaired copper transport into and within the central nervous
system and results in neurodegeneration and demyelination. Wilson disease, on
the other hand, results from copper accumulation and is characterized by
dysarthria, a variety of movement disorders, and psychiatric symptoms.8,–,10
In the last 4 decades, it has been reported that some people
suffer from abnormalities of copper metabolism that do not fall under the
category of any known disease and are sometimes referred to as non-Wilson,
non–Menkes-type copper-metabolism disorders.
Generally speaking, most cases of copper-metabolism disorder are
characterized by movement disorders (dystonia, myoclonus, tremor, or
Parkinsonism) and gait disturbances. Many patients with such a disorder also
exhibit dysarthria, cognitive degeneration, sensory deficits, and abnormal
brain and spinal MRI results.11,–,17,19,–,22
Our patient exhibited acute severe hemilingual dyskinesia and
prominent tics with ballismus of the upper limbs and normal brain and spinal
MRI results. His serum copper and ceruloplasmin levels were low, and his
urinary copper level was elevated after penicillamine challenge. Neither tics
nor lingual dyskinesia have been described to date with relation to non-Wilson,
non–Menkes-type copper-metabolism disorders.
Lingual dyskinesia has been described in a few cases of Wilson
disease, but in contrast to our patient, who exhibited it in the resting state
only, patients with Wilson disease demonstrate involuntary tongue movements
during both rest and action that lead to difficulties in swallowing and in
speech.23,24 The
presence of tics is another rare characteristic of our patient. We could not
find any report of copper-metabolism disorder with tics.
A search of the literature did, however, reveal that a possible
connection has been found between the tic disorder Tourette syndrome and
abnormalities in copper metabolism. Robertson et al25
reported that of 80 examined patients with Tourette syndrome, 10 had abnormally
low serum copper levels. In a further investigation in the same study, the
authors found that such patients exhibited rapid disappearance of copper from
the serum and an abnormally slow liver uptake of copper.
On the basis of these findings, it is possible that compromised
copper metabolism may lead to the appearance of tics. Nevertheless, this
assumption requires further validation.
In our case, despite the low serum levels of copper, the urinary
levels after penicillamine challenge were high, which suggested a storage
disorder that we chose to treat with zinc supplementation.
The rationale behind this treatment is that zinc induces cell
metallothionein, which binds exogenously and endogenously secreted copper, thus
preventing its absorption.5,–,8
The treatment has been successful in abolishing all clinical
symptoms in our patient, which further validates the statements by Kumar et al26 that
low serum copper is not always indicative of copper deficiency and that urinary
copper levels should be taken into account when planning therapy.
We have presented here the case of an adolescent boy with
unusual presentation of a copper-metabolism disorder. We conclude that such
disorders should be included in the differential diagnosis of movement
disorders, even when the presentation is extremely unusual, in the presence of
lingual dyskinesia without dysarthria or dysphagia or in the absence of
cognitive degeneration or pathologic MRI results.
It is important not to miss these disorders, because many of
them are treatable. Moreover, a careful distinction should be made between
storage disorders and true deficiency, which would be essential in determining
suitable treatment.
Further investigation should be conducted to establish the
nature of the connection between abnormalities in copper metabolism and the
appearance of tics. Doing so may shed some light on the underlying
pathophysiology of tic disorders and perhaps suggest a viable treatment to
alleviate the presentation of tics.
November 12, 2010.
correspondence to Helly R. Goez, MD, Division of Pediatric Neurology,
Department of Pediatrics, Stollery Children's Hospital, 7319A Aberhart Centre
1, 11402 University Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2J3. E-mail:
authors took part in designing, drafting, and critically revising this article
for intellectual content, and all authors approved the final version of the
article for publication.
DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships
relevant to this article to disclose.
. . 1.↵ Brewer GJ, Dick RD, Johnson VD, Brunberg JA, Kluin KJ, Fink JK. The treatment of Wilson's disease with zinc XV: long-term follow-up studies. J Lab Clin Med. 1998;132(4):264–278 CrossRefMedlineWeb
Copyright 2011. The Journal of Pediatrics
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