by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© November 2019, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


Everyone must go through what is sometimes called the birth trauma.  It directly affects the health of all of us, and that is one of the themes of this article.

In fact, improving the health of babies and children is one of the foremost goals of development science.  This requires drastically improving the health of young women before they become pregnant, and improving prenatal and pregnancy care, as well.  Another aspect of producing super-healthy children (superbabies) has to do with the childbirth process.  This article discusses a number of items related to birthing.




Hospitals are not the safest places to have a baby, according to statistics.  The reasons for this may include:

1. The prevalence of hospital infections.  This is the most important.  These easily spread from floor to floor and ward to ward.

2. The large, bureaucratic nature of most hospitals.  At these locations, following rules and regulations may carry more weight than following the most up-to-date birthing practices.  This is unfortunate, but often true, though not always.  Birthing practices are discussed below.

Large institutions also often make more medical blunders that can lead to disability or even death, in some cases.

3. Defensive medicine, a very dangerous practice when it comes to childbirth.  Many hospitals insist that doctors practice defensive medicine.  This is the use of drugs, diagnostic methods and surgical procedures not because the patient needs them, but to protect the hospital against possible lawsuits.

For example, the hospital may prefer to vaccinate everyone, feed newborns formula, or do more Cesarean sections than necessary, just to satisfy some legal concerns and not for the health and well-being of mothers or infants.

4. A lack of peace and quiet in some hospitals.


Better places to have a baby depend on the risk level.  For low-risk pregnancies, birthing at home with a mobile operating room near at hand is excellent, or the use of a birthing center is often better for birthing.


What is a low-risk pregnancy?  The exact criteria vary, and the decision is a judgment call on the part of a doctor.  However, in general, a low-risk pregnancy is one in which the mother and baby appear to be in excellent health, the mother is not over the age of about 33 or 34, and there are no signs of complications of any kind, such as pre-eclampsia, high blood pressure or high blood sugar in the mother, or fetal distress of any kind.




The following are suggestions that may make a birth much more pleasant, safer, faster and easier on the mother and child.  Not everyone will agree on these, but they are intended as suggestions for midwives, physicians and birthing clinics and centers.


Use a midwife or doula, if possible.  This can be instead of a regular doctor, or in addition.  If you have a doctor attending your birth, too, then the doula or midwife can function as your advocate, as well.

The reason for this is that having an extra person present is always nice, in case the labor is prolonged or difficult.  Also, midwives are less oriented toward surgery and drugs, which may prove helpful.  Be sure that a doctor and midwife can work together and will not fight with each other.


Bring your husband or at least one other responsible adult with you to the birth.  This is very important today.  Too many things can go wrong at hospitals, in particular, but anywhere.

Bring a few friends, who can take shifts, or even hire someone if no one else is available.  Have someone with you at all times who will monitor all actions of the doctor or midwife.

A good doctor or midwife will not mind this, and might even like the idea.  Insist upon it anyway, even if your doctor does not like the idea.  It could save your life or the life of your baby.

Your advocate should review your chart frequently, ask a lot of questions, and not accept just short answers if he or she feels more clarification is needed.

The advocate must monitor not only you, but also the baby, once it is born.




During labor, do not use pitocin (oxytocin) to “hurry up” labor.  Often, however, it is standard practice if the contractions slow down.  We think this is malpractice and that it can kill a baby.  Here are more details:

1. If contractions slow down, there is a problem with the birth.   The cord could be caught or wrapped around the neck.  At times, a hand or shoulder is in the wrong place. 

Contractions might also slow down to give the mother’s vagina more time to dilate to avoid tearing.

2. If labor slows down too much, it is time for a C-section, not a Pitocin shot.

3. Pitocin forces everything along and causes the following problems:

- It throws the whole process out of control.

- It always damages the baby’s neck, and perhaps the rest of the spine and the head, due to the increased pressure.  This leaves many babies with chiropractic and perhaps other problems that can remain for years.

- Even worse, a pitocin shot may prevent the baby and its helpers from untangling the cord or correcting another problem.  This can be fatal or can leave the baby with permanent brain damage.

- A pitocin shot makes labor much more painful for the mother.  It can also cause tearing of the cervix or vaginal wall due to the abnormal pressure.

In summary, Pitocin should be used only to induce labor, if this is needed.  At this time, we do not think it should ever be used during labor.


Have as little anesthesia as possible.  Stay away from general anesthesia.  Often, anesthesia is used indiscriminately today.  Some mothers are in terrible shape and may require it.  However, it is often not needed if the mother has followed a development program for at least 1-3 years before their pregnancy.  If the baby is large, it may be needed.

If anesthesia is needed, local is best – such as an epidural block or spinal block.  It is a shot into the spinal cord.

General anesthesia means the mother is drugged.  This weakens contractions, which lengthens labor.  The drugs can affect the baby and make it harder for the baby to breathe properly upon birth.

Discuss these options with your doctor or midwife before the birth, preferably.  Tell your husband or advocate what you want so there is no mix-up during the birth.

The problems with anesthesia are:

1. It adds toxins to the body that can take a year or more to remove using a nutritional balancing program.

2. It might interfere and may slow the birthing process.

3. It might have toxic effects such as causing nausea or other adverse effect.

4. Now and then, it is done improperly causing nerve or other damage.


Ways to help avoid the need for anesthetics.  These include the use of breathing exercises, slowing delivery instead of “pushing” all the time in order to allow the tissues to stretch gently and slowly, and possibly underwater birthing.  Keeping the mother relaxed is very helpful, as well.


Episiotomies.  If possible, do not have an episiotomy.  It is a cut into the vaginal wall to help dilate the vagina.  It is done to make stitching the mother up easier than if there is a tear in the vaginal wall.

If the baby is small, there should be no need at all.  If the baby is large, it will depend on the situation, but we don’t think it is often needed if the mother follows a development program for at least one year before pregnancy.  The vaginal tissues will be more flexible and therefore more able to stretch.


Underwater births.  This method is used in some birthing centers.  A little hot tub will work at home.  A regular bathtub is too small, though a large bathtub will work.

With this practice, the mother gives birth while sitting in a tub of comfortably hot, clean tap water.  The water level must be at least up to her waste and preferably higher.  The doctor or midwife must also enter the water to deliver the baby, something that many doctors are not interested in doing.  Sometimes, the father enters the water as well to be very close by.  He can, however, just sit next to the tub, if he prefers.

Usually, the mother enters the tub after her water has broken and the birth is definitely underway.  She can wait until contractions are coming every few minutes, but it is best not to wait too long, in case the baby comes fast.  In this case, there may not be enough time to get into the water safely.

Reasons for underwater birth.  It is much more comfortable for most mothers.  The baby is also more comfortable, as the baby is already immersed in a body-temperature watery medium.  Underwater birth also protects the newborn from immediate exposure to cold, bright lights, noise, and chemical smells that are in most operating rooms and birthing centers.  This keeps the baby much more relaxed and often hastens the process.  Babies can be afraid to come out into cold and bright lights.


After birth:  The baby should remain with the mother.  We would not turn your baby over to strangers!  YOU MUST DISCUSS THIS WITH YOUR MIDWIFE OR DOCTOR BEFORE THE BIRTH, PREFERABLY.  It is not that you don’t trust the nurses and others.  It is just an added safety measure that is a wise idea, if you can do it.

 Sometimes, babies are whisked away after the birth so you can “rest”.  While in a nursery they are poked, vaccinated, fed horrible junk food formula, left under bright lights, and may have other things done to them.  Rarely, they are switched with other babies.

The only thing doctors should do is a simple blood test on the baby for Rh or clotting problems, in most cases.


            Learn about the dangers of vaccines NOW, not when your baby is born. Read about Vaccination on this website, and do not allow yourself to be talked into anything you do not want.

               Do not allow the hospital to vaccinate your child before leaving the hospital.  It is standard procedure now in most hospitals.  Remember that after the birth, you are likely to be weak and tired.  So give prior written instructions about vaccines, breastfeeding and drugs, perhaps.  Do not be railroaded on this issue.  The baby’s life or health may be at stake.


            Preferably breastfeed your baby at the hospital, rather than allow them to give your baby “formula”.  Most of it is absolute junk!!!  This can be critical for your baby’s future digestive health.  Babies mostly need rest and sleep after the birth.  They are exhausted, if it has been a long labor.  Try to enable the baby to rest a lot in a darkened area with no noise right after birth.  They do not need to be fed soon after birth, and it is likely to make them sick.


Leave all hospitals and birthing centers as soon as possible.  There are too many infections around hospitals, in particular, and unfortunately mix-ups, bungling and mistakes are made that could jeopardize the health of your baby, and your own health.  Most homes are much safer, and statistics prove it.


If possible, avoid the vitamin K shot for babies. We do not recommend vitamin K shots for babies.  If the mother is eating a lot of cooked vegetables, the baby should have plenty of vitamin K.  If not, then an oral dose of vitamin K is best.  Here is an article on the subject:


The High Risks of Vitamin K Shot for Your Newborn Baby - Mercola don’t-warn-you-about.aspx

Mar 27, 2010 ... Learn the dark side of the routine newborn Vitamin K shot that may lead to serious injury or death.


Learn NOW about natural ways to deal with children’s infections, parenting skills and alternatives to traditional schooling.  All these can be vital to learn now, not later.




            Enlightened birthing practices can help reduce the stress of birth and enable babies to get a better start.  Important practices include:


1. Do not expose the newborn to bright lights.

2. Allow the child to begin breathing on his own if possible.

3. Do not be in a hurry to cut the umbilical cord.  Let all the blood go into the baby first before cutting the cord.

4. After birth, have your child checked over by a very competent chiropractor or osteopath.  A simple adjustment or two can often help prevent many childhood problems.  It can help minimize the birth trauma, in many cases.  A session with a cranial-sacral therapist is not a bad idea, either.  It is a lot easier to correct imbalances when a child is young, than when structural problems arise years later.


Companion articles to this one are:

1. The Nutritional Balancing Birthing Program

2. Preparing To Have Children

3. Having Children – Social Issues

4. Pregnancy and Pre-natal Care

5. Burnout Babies, Super Babies And Human Regeneration

6. Breastfeeding

7. Circumcision

8. The Baby Manual

9. Natural Baby Formula

10. Children’s Nutrition

11. Children’s Growth Disorders

12. Children’s Nutritional Balancing Programs

13. The Autism Epidemic

14. Autism Case History

15. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD and ADHD)

16. What The Children Want

17. Families



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