by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© August 2021, LD Wilson
Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is solely the opinion of
the author and for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure
of any disease or health condition.
Definition Of
Why Become
Moses And The
Why Most
People Are Not Activated
Activation And
The 7 System
The Time
Activation, as we use the term
on this website, is an increase in awareness to the point that the person
understands their full potential.
Thousands of people on earth are
advanced souls who should be helping to uplift and heal our planet. However, very few are working at
anywhere near their full capacity.
Here is why:
Most are quite ill, even if they don’t realize it. Their energy level is very low. Many also cannot think clearly.
- Some are in harmful marriages and
other relationships that are harming them.
- Some have been misled or are
distracted by the glamour of the world.
They are spending their time in jobs and other pursuits that may pay
well, but do not assist the planet.
- Many advanced souls are beaten, raped
or otherwise trapped by the rogues and are captives and slaves. Thousands of women are literally
enslaved and even work as prostitutes for the rogues. Some men are also forced to work as thugs, murderers, and
criminals of all types.
Book of Exodus in the Old Testament of the Bible describes the activation of
the Hebrew people during their walk through the desert of Sinai. Most began the journey unhealthy
physically and emotionally as a result of 400 years of slavery in Egypt.
They went through a process of purification, healing and education
that was needed to heal them and mature them. Many people today need to go through a similar healing and
activation process.
The problem today is a concerted effort
by the Rogues to dominate planet earth. This requires that they inactivate,
neutralize or disable many people, especially those who are more intelligent
and more spiritually-oriented.
These can be explained based on the 7 system:
1. Physical level. Most,
if not all people on earth need healing of the body and brain. This is clear if one understands hair
mineral testing. Blood tests do
not reveal the problems of nutritional depletion, toxic metal excess and a
myriad of biochemical imbalances that beset most people.
The healing usually requires a number of years on a full development
program. Standard medical and
holistic or naturopathic healing programs will not suffice. In fact, most of them make the body more unhealthy, even if they relieve symptoms.
2. Emotional level.
Healing also often needs to occur on the emotional level. Many people are emotionally stuck, full
of fear, anxiety, grief, anger and even hatred. A sick body and brain does not help. Fortunately, nutritional healing of the
body and brain greatly assists one to let go of negative and out-of-control
3. Mental control.
Activation involves learning self-discipline as a step toward
self-empowerment. Activation also
requires letting go of some ego traits that get in the way of becoming aware of
one’s full potential.
4. Social level. Some
people need to make changes in their social and/or family situation. For example, it might require letting
go of friends who hold one back. Activation
may also involve learning new relationship skills.
5. Work or creative level. At times, activation requires a change of
occupation, a different work environment, or learning new job skills. It might also involve a divorce, for
example, or change in a relationship.
6. Ideational level. Activation
requires learning the truth about many things. This gives rise to new perspectives, and much greater
understanding and wisdom about oneself and about the world.
7. Spiritual/religious level.
Activation may require new religious or spiritual understanding and it
usually requires a better connection with God or higher realms of
- Some people require an entirely new identity as they activate. This requires more adjustments of the
personality and often one’s lifestyle, friends, careers and more.
- Periods of feeling strange, uncomfortable or even “lost” may
occur. This occurs because one has
few if any memories or reference points concerning the activated state of
being. These odd feelings diminish
as one spends more time in the activated condition.
These include:
- Activation may require a lot of time
and effort if the body is very toxic with AGES, Aldehydes or the Amigos.
Very nutritionally depleted bodies also take longer to rejuvenate.
- The Rogues,
who have a lot of control over planet earth, do not like activation and may
actively oppose it.
- Even if one knows what needs to be
done, changing habits can be challenging.
- Retracing often occurs that can be
upsetting and causes some people to stop the program. For example, very scary or hateful thoughts and feelings
that were buried for years may come to the surface of the mind for processing
and release.
This occurs commonly during the development
program. It is actually a cause
for celebration because it means that one is healing at the deepest
levels. However, it does not feel
good when one is in the middle of one of these flare-ups or purification reactions.
- One may be faced with difficult
choices such as whether to change careers, end relationships and others.
- In reality, one begins a new life and
a certain amount of disorientation will occur.
to the factors above, activation can be a lengthy process, although it need not
be. It often goes through stages
of confusion, followed by excitement and joy mixed with sadness, and then
perhaps more confusion as one activates more completely. Factors that speed up activation are:
- Freedom from ties that bind one to the past such as harmful
relationships, family ties and other attachments.
- Enough financial means to be independent.
- Someone to explain activation in a way that one trusts and
understands. We hope this article
and the ones listed at the end of this article will help with this task.
is most helpful to want to activate, even if you don’t know what that means or
requires. This article is an
introduction and may be sufficient to kindle a desire to activate. Reading other articles on this website
is also extremely helpful.
We particularly recommend Introduction
To Development, Introduction To The
Development Program, The Lightworkers,
Become An Agent, The Society of
Loving, Light-Hearted Warriors, Letting Go and My Past Is Perfect.
is acting upon your desire. An
excellent method is to begin either the basic or ‘free’ development program or
begin a full program with one of the Helpers listed on the Find A Helper page.
A slower method is to continue to read
more articles on this website.
Hopefully, this will motivate you to begin a development program. Most people need this to activate their
brain centers and improve their health.
you are on the path of activation, one must allow the truth to surface about
everything in your life. This is
not always easy, but one gets used to little surprises, some of which are very
For example, you may learn surprising knowledge. You may meet new and interesting
people. You may receive offers of
work or relationships that are unusual.
However, always use common sense because the rogues will try to stop
your activation.
getting started is often the most difficult, activation actually continues for
a long time. As one heals and
develops, one becomes aware of even more possibilities and potential. As a result, one moves through a
process of letting go of past ideas and opening oneself to greater ones.
By activating yourself, you are riding a new wave of history. The alternative is to be dragged into
the future, perhaps kicking and screaming because things don’t make sense and
old ways of thinking and doing things won’t work any more. It is much more fun to ride the crest
of the wave.
Know that activation is the most wonderful gift you can give to
yourself and to the world. You
will be helped at every stage of the process. Pray for help and guidance often and your prayers will be
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