by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© November 2019, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.




The shemitah is a little-known concept found in the Old Testament of the Bible.  The word means a release in Hebrew.  The shemitah is also called the Sabbath year.  It occurs every seventh year.




The shemitah has a number of meanings:

-  It is a legal concept.  The shemitah is the year in which, according to the Hebrew Bible, some debts are forgiven, indentured servants are to be released from their bondage, and the fields of the land of Israel are to lie fallow to let the land regenerate. 

- The shemitah is the year when the earth is thus to rest and regenerate, after six years of service and work.

- It is also the time, according to the Bible, when God reasserts the fact of His sovereignty over the earth and over mankind.  If a nation or people, or even an individual, has followed GodÕs will and GodÕs plan for living, then that person or nation may be rewarded in some way.

- The shemitah can affect the fate of individuals, communities or entire nations.


This is important because most nations, today, including the United States, have turned away from Biblical values.  These include the sanctity of marriage between a man and woman, the sanctity of life of the unborn, and more.

Instead, many have pursued a secular humanist agenda that includes abortion, homosexuality, pornography, loose sexual morals, and more.  Materialism, per se, is not bad if it is done using the Biblical standards.  However, materialism or prosperity that comes through lying, deceit, cheating or stealing will be dealt a blow.

The shemitah year is often the time when the consequences of ungodly or anti-Biblical attitudes and practices are revealed, perhaps in frightening terms.  For example, during one of the recent shemitahs, the World Trade Towers in New York City were destroyed, killing over 3000 supposedly people.  During the last shemitah in 2008, the US and other stock markets around the world crashed, costing trillions of dollars.

One can claim that all of this is coincidence, and that is a valid view.  However, if you read the book, The Mystery of the Shemitah, you will realize that the number and intensity of these supposedly Òaccidental eventsÓ is rather amazing.




Before discussing more details about the shemitah year, we will comment on the anti-Hebrew lies that are told around the world today, and in the past.

Hebrew people are not baby-killers, and they do not kill people who are not Hebrew, unless attacked first, and they donÕt run the world.  This is pure garbage.  None of this is in the Torah or the Talmud, or any other Hebrew scripture.  For more details, read The Modern Nation Of Israel.




The next shemitah begins in September, 2021 and lasts until September 2022.  Usually, the effect of the shemitah begins to build as the year goes on, and it peaks at the end of the shemitah or sabbath year.


How the Hebrew calendar works.  The Hebrew year usually begins some time in September.  The Hebrew months are 28 days each, so their year is shorter than ours.  Every few years, an extra month is inserted in the Hebrew calendar to keep their calendar up to date with the rotation of the earth.  This may seem odd, but in fact, it is more accurate than the Gregorian or Roman calendar that is used in most nations of the world today.




One purpose of this article is to draw your attention to the concept of cycles.  This is a critical idea in nutritional balancing science, and in all of life on earth.  The following is taken from the website of Ohr Chadash (  They say it so well, I need not change it in any way:


ÒEverywhere we look we see cycles in our lives; cycles of time, the subtle changes of the colors of the sky as the sun makes its daily orbit across the heavens, the moon as it waxes and wanes, seasons changing, the ebb and flow of the tides, life cycle events, the daily emotional roller coaster we ride, while history seemingly repeats itself endlessly.

Birthdays and anniversaries mark significant days year after year. Holidays repeatedly march across the calendar with their historical remembrances and their deep connection to nature and the seasons.

The cycle of life and death, dormancy and rebirth is engraved in every strata of reality – from the personal to the universal, from the practical to the mystical. Seeds that disintegrate in the ground release their germ of life that sprout and grow, giving forth fruit and their own seed, eventually succumbing to the inevitable cycle of disintegration from where it began.

Sparks of fire when fanned become roaring flames, only to turn into coals and ash. And of man the Torah states: ÒBy the sweat of your brow shall you eat bread until you return to the ground from which you were taken: for you are dust and to dust shall you returnÓ (Genesis 3:19).

King Solomon in the Book of Ecclesiastes dwells on this theme extensively when contemplating the existential reality of man:

ÒA generation goes and a generation comes, but the earth endures forever. And the sun rises and the sun sets – then to its place it rushes; there it rises again. It goes towards the south and veers towards the north; the wind goes round and round, and on its rounds the winds return. 

All the rivers flow into the sea, yet the sea is not full; to the place where the rivers flow, there they flow once moreÓ (Ecclesiastes 1:4-7).

King Solomon continues and develops this idea in the third chapter of Ecclesiastes (3:1-8) in the most beautiful and poetic manner: ÒEverything has its season, and there is a time for everything under the heaven:


A time to be born and a time to die;

A time to plant and a time to uproot the planted.

A time to kill and a time to heal;

A time to wreck and a time to build.

A time to weep and a time to laugh;

A time to wail and a time to dance.

A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones;

A time to embrace and a time to shun embraces.

A time to seek and a time to lose;

A time to keep and a time to discard.

A time to rend and a time to mend;

A time to be silent and a time to speak;

A time to love and a time to hate;

A time of war and a time of peace.Ó


The concept of cycles is everywhere around us, in fact, and is simply a fact of life.  It is the rhythm of life all around us.  Now let us be more specific.




Another purpose of this article is to draw your attention to this concept of seven year cycles of events and energies.  Seven is a very special number in our universe.  It is related to the idea of the octaves, which is described in a separate article entitled The Octaves on this website.

Exactly why seven is a special number in relation to cycles, musical notes, and many other things, I do not know.  However, it is the truth.

The Bible and seven cycles.  The Hebrew Bible, in particular, is full of seven year cycles.  The world was created in 6 + 1 ÒdaysÓ, with each day being 1000 years.  Each month in the Hebrew calendar is 7 times 4 weeks or 28 days.  This happens to be the exact cycle of the rotation of the moon around the earth.  It also happens to be the exact number of days of a womanÕs menstrual cycle, although many women are quite ill, so it does not always work out properly.  When a woman improves her health, by the way, often her menstrual cycle will coincide with the phases of the moon.

In the Hebrew calendar there are 49 (7 times 7) weeks in a year, with a Òleap monthÓ every few years to keep the calendar accurate.  And it is very accurate, much more than our Gregorian calendar with which everyone is familiar.

The shemitah occurs every seventh year, and the yoval or Jubilee year occurs every seven times seven years or 49 years.


Other well-known seven cycles.  Musical scales also work on a seven-note system that some know as do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-(and back to) do.  The human body has seven major physical energy centers. 

Seven cycles are also common in the structure of plants and animals, and even in the structure of our universe or space.  Our system of time is not on a seven cycle, but rather a sixty-second, sixty-minute, 24-hour cycle.  In fact, a seven times seven or forty-nine second minute, and a 49 minute hour would be more accurate, but is more cumbersome to calculate.




This is a very short introduction to several critical concepts – cycles, the seven cycle, and the shemitah.  It will likely be expanded in the future.

You can read a lot more about the shemitah on the internet or in a well-written, balanced book called The Mystery Of The Shemitah by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn (2014, 2018).



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