by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© May 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. Crutch Release



This is a basic or core article about how the development program works, how deep healing works, and about interpreting hair tissue mineral tests. It is quite confusing, at first, so read the article several times until it is clear.


When many people begin the development program, the hair tissue sodium and potassium levels are low. This is an indicator of exhaustion or burnout.

As one follows the program, the levels of sodium and potassium often rise on a retest. However, on the next retest the levels may decrease again.

After that, the next retest may reveal higher sodium and potassium readings. However, the following retest or retests may reveal lower sodium and potassium levels again.

The planning souls call this situation the roller coaster. For a while you are up, but then you are down, and the pattern repeats over and over.

This is confusing! If you don't understand it you will think you are making progress at times, but when the sodium and potassium levels decrease you will believe you have slipped back into deeper burnout. However, this is not true.

What really occurs is that the body is continuously gaining energy and strength due to the program. The cause of the roller coaster is crutch release.


Crutches are toxic metals or chemicals that, in this instance, support the sodium and/or potassium levels. They are adaptations to stress.

They are not ideal. However, they keep us going, just like crutches one uses if one breaks a leg. Examples of powerful crutches include certain forms of cadmium, copper and iron. Most people have hundreds of crutches!

Here is the true picture: More adaptive energy due to the diet and other aspects of the development program causes a rise in the sodium and potassium levels. However, after a few months or sometimes sooner, the body is able to release a crutch.

When one releases a crutch, the sodium and/or potassium levels on a retest decrease because the body is less supported. The levels look worse on the mineral test, and one may feel more tired. However, one's health is not worse. In fact, health is better.

The body continues to gain strength due to the program. This causes the sodium and potassium levels to increase again. However, when they rise sufficiently, the body releases another crutch and the levels decrease. This is how deep healing really occurs.

The roller coaster pattern, or progression of crutch release, goes on for many years. I am still releasing crutches after 43 years on the program.

Slowly, one's true health improves because existence depends less on crutches. For more details, read Crutches.

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