© July 2020, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as diagnosis, prescription, treatment or cure for any health conditions.

Avoid the very dangerous medical medium diet. We find it one of the worst diets for the following reasons:

1. Celery juice is toxic. It will unbalance the body, no matter what benefits it may appear to have.

2. The diet is very deficient in protein, essential fats and many nutrients. It is a starvation diet that particularly damages the brain.

3. The diet of mainly raw fruit and raw vegetables and celery juice is extremely yin in macrobiotic terminology. This aspect of the diet is extremely dangerous and harmful. For details, read Yin Disease.

4. The diet is mainly vegetarian. We find all such diets extremely harmful. For details, read Vegetarian Diets.

5. This diet will stop development, which is the goal of our healing program. For details, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.

Do not be fooled by slick advertising and endorsements that may not be real. You may feel better at first on any diet because you eliminate allergic foods and junk food. However, the medical medium diet is particularly unbalanced and dangerous. We believe we can reverse its harmful effects with a properly designed development program.

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