by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© July 2022, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.




Definition.  The liver is one of the most important organs in the human body.  It is also one of the most diseased organs in most everyone!

It is second largest organ of the human body after the skin.  It is located on the right side and middle of the body, just below the lungs and diaphragm.  It extends downward and to the right, filling the right quadrants of the abdomen.

The filter.  The liver is a very mysterious organ in that it is able to analyze and filter thousands of toxic chemicals that get into the body.

Etheric energy receiver.  The liver also is the major receiver of etheric energy from the environment.  It is able to channel this subtle type of energy into the rest of the body.

This article discusses briefly how the liver works, some of the most common liver diseases, and what can be done about them using a development program.

Health conditions discussed in this article include:

- liver toxicity

- acute and chronic hepatitis

- fatty liver

- cirrhosis (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic)

- liver stones and gall stones

- parasites such as liver flukes

- liver pain and inflammation

- biliary stasis

- liver cancer




            The liver is divided into several lobes or sections.  These have slightly different functions, although they overlap.

The liver mostly consists of amazing cells called hepatocytes that perform most of the hundreds of functions of the liver.  This is the most important type of liver cell.  Several other types of tissues and cells help provide nutrients to the liver such as blood vessels, lymph vessels and the bile ducts.




            The liver performs about 100 functions, at least.  Among the most critical are:

- Detoxification of poisons

- Synthesis of proteins and other substances

- Changing amino acids into one another or into other substances, as needed

- Processing and converting lipid substances into cholesterol, triglycerides and other useful compounds.  Cholesterol is the raw material from which all of the sex hormones and steroid or stress hormones are made.

- Converting sugars to starches and back to sugars, as needed

- Storing some sugar (glucose) as glycogen and then releasing it when needed

- Producing digestive enzymes such as trypsin, chymotrypsin, peptidases, lipases and others

- Production of endorphins, hormones and many other chemicals.

- A few other activities to be discussed later in this article.




The liver is one of the major detoxification organs of the body.  It filters everything that comes into the intestines, and it filters the blood as well.  This is its unique ability.  It does much more than this, but this is a unique ability of the liver and one that no other organ can duplicate.

            The way it filters the blood and the material from the intestines is not well understood.  However, it is able to distinguish harmful matter from vital nutrients, hormones, enzymes and other components.

Many toxins are changed by the liver into something less toxic.  This is what happens with alcohol, for example. 

In many other cases, the harmful drug or substance is simply moved out of the body by being shunted into the bile ducts and removed.  Exactly how the liver can distinguish the good from the bad is quite a mystery, and it probably has to do with biochemistry and even the vibrational quality of the substance.

Lengthy medical books discuss the many functions of the liver.


Liver and digestion.  Everything that one ingests through the digestive tract first goes to the liver for processing before it is released into the main bloodstream.  The job of the liver is to carefully screen or sort through everything one ingests, retaining that which is nutritious and rejecting and hopefully detoxifying and removing everything toxics in the food, medications, alcohol, drugs and anything else that is ingested.

Today, this is a formidable and almost impossible job!  The food is often of low quality, and often laced with synthetic additives, such as preservatives, colors, flavors and hundreds of others that have no nutritional value whatsoever.  Just understanding this one fact will give a large clue as to why the liver today is under constant assault in most people.

In addition, hundreds of toxins are all around us on items we touch, in the air and water, in and on our clothing, in medical drugs, contrast media, in over-the-counter remedies, in vaccines, and elsewhere.  Filtering them all out of our bodies is quite impossible.




The liver changes the nature of toxins so they can be eliminated from the body.  Roughly, the scheme is:

- Some are detoxified directly through the liver.  Eventually they are moved into the bile ducts.  Bile flows to the gall bladder for storage and a little more transformation.  The bile then flows into the small intestine for elimination through the feces. 

- Some are converted using the familiar liver detoxification pathways and then removed by the liver.

- Some are tagged and then sent back into the blood stream to be removed by the kidneys.  While this is very brief, it is the basic structure and functional set up of the liver.

- Some are tagged and sent to the lungs to be removed with the breath.

- Some are sent to the lymph ducts.  From there, the lymph system processes bacteria, viruses and some other biological toxins from food.  It then sends them into the general blood circulation for elimination by the liver or kidneys, mainly.

- Some are sent elsewhere for processing, such as to the spleen or pancreas.  These organs are able to handle certain toxins better than any other organ, converting them into usable substances or helping their elimination in other ways.






Liver toxicity is a good place to begin discussing liver dysfunctions, as general toxicity is universal today.  It is also directly related to the cause of all the other liver conditions discussed in this article. 




Several groups of toxins compose the bulk of the liver toxins in most people.  To help learn them, four of them start with the letter A:

1. AGES or advanced glycation end products.  These come from high-temperature cooking and eating sugar.  For details, read AGES.

2. “Amigos”.  These are oxide forms of common minerals that are in many foods, especially fruit, and extremely irritating to the body.  For details, read Iron, Manganese and Aluminum – The Amigos.

3. Aldehydes.  These are products of abnormal fermentation in the large intestine.  They may also come from eating certain fermented foods such as kombucha tea, kimchi, most pickles, bad sauerkraut (good sauerkraut is excellent), and others.  For details, read Aldehydes.

4. Ammonia.  This is formed during improper digestion of proteins.  Some people can smell it on their breath or under their armpits.  For details, read Ammonia.

5. Toxic metals and toxic chemicals.  These come from food, air pollution, medical drugs, recreational drugs – especially marijuana and CBD today, vaccines, flu shots, and many toxic exposures to pesticides, cleaning chemicals, solvents, detergents, plastic chemicals, metal dusts and vapors, paints, inks and more.  For details, read Toxic Metals and Toxic Chemicals.

6. Infections, including bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic. For details, read Boosting Your Immune Response.

7. Toxic emotions, especially anger.  For details, read Anger and Fear.


Classification of toxins by source.  One can classify toxins by their chemistry.  However, often a useful method is also to classify them by their source.  These include:

1. Food and drinking water.  These include several thousand chemicals that are deliberately added to our food today.  Processed foods are the very worst!

2. Airborne toxins.  There are thousands of these as well because many substances can float in the air.

3. Contact poisons.  There are thousands of these that people contact on a daily basis.  They range from any aluminum to inks, paints, solvents, and much more.

4. Medical and dental toxins.  These are ingested or introduced into the body with needles or in other ways.  However, we classify them separately because they are an enormous problem that is completely ignored by doctors - the source of the problem.

For example, regular use of Tylenol and other over-the-counter and prescription drugs is a leading cause of liver disease today.

5. Body care products.  This is another terrible problem.  It includes chemicals in anti-perspirants, shampoos containing selenium and other toxins, soaps, detergents, hair dyes, lotions, creams, colognes, and nail polish (one of the worst).

6. Occupational chemicals.  These include thousands of chemicals used in industry throughout the world.  They cause plenty of disease.  The world is gradually putting in place limiting their use, but there is along way to go.  Many blow around the world so they affect everyone, not just the factory workers and farmers.

6. Autotoxins.  These are toxins made inside the body.  Most come from abnormal digestion in the intestinal tract.  Fermentation and putrefaction of food items in the large intestine produces alcohol, aldehydes, skatol, indols and a number of other potent toxins.

7. Biologically-produced toxins. Infections of all kinds produce two kinds of toxins.  Endotoxins are those produced while the germs are alive.  Exotoxins are toxins released when germs die.  Some of these, such as those from infected root canal-filled teeth are extremely harmful for the liver and the entire body.

Most people have about 50 to 100 subtle, chronic infections of which they are totally unaware.  In most cases, these infections do not respond to drug therapy.  Only a deep healing program such as a development program can expose and heal them.  For details, read Boosting Your Immunity.

8. Other.  A few other toxins are extremely important, such as ionizing radiation from A-bombs, medical x-rays and contrast media and low-level emissions from nuclear power plants.  Nuclear power is not clean, no matter what anyone claims.

This is one of the few areas we agree wholeheartedly with some left-wing activists who want to do away with nuclear power.  Their motives are usually incorrect.  They want to destroy modern civilization.  However, their position on nuclear power is absolutely true.


Symptoms of liver toxicity.  One may not experience any obvious symptoms of liver toxicity.  However, some people will experience constipation, bad breath, skin problems, upper right quadrant pain, bleeding disorders, digestive disturbances such as gas, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome and others.

Also, many people experience more serious diseases that actually originate in their toxic livers, which can no longer filter out poisons properly or perform their hundreds of other important functions properly.


Identifying general liver toxicity.  This is difficult with standard medical tests.  Blood serum liver enzyme tests are usually normal.  Even a liver biopsy may look normal.  Parasite tests may be negative.  Testing for toxic chemicals is costly, so it is usually not done unless one has a high suspicion about the presence of a particular toxin.

We use hair mineral testing, which usually reveals the presence of toxic metals that always accumulate in the liver to some degree.  In particular, copper, cadmium, mercury and lead always end up in the liver to some degree, at least.

Even most children have a toxic liver, as they were born somewhat toxic and made much worse by vaccines, medical drugs, poor food choices and exposure to other toxins, at times.


Correction.  Development science is usually able to easily help people with general liver toxicity.  The coffee enema and the near infrared lamp sauna are most helpful, as are the diet and supplements.

Healing on a development program may be slow, at first.  The liver is simply incapable of removing many toxins quickly.  Later on, as one becomes more healthy, the liver’s ability to process toxic substances improves rather dramatically.




A congested and sluggish liver may not be revealed on most blood or other medical tests.  Hair analysis indicators for it usually include a low sodium/potassium ratio (less than about 2), higher toxic metal levels or several poor eliminator patterns, (very low toxic metal readings), low zinc, and perhaps sympathetic dominance. 

In addition, a sluggish and congested liver is more common in:


1. Slow oxidizers, rather than fast oxidizers.

2. Adults, rather than children, generally, although today some children are so toxic that there are a few exceptions.

3. More emotional people, as compared to those who are unemotional.  This is explained in more detail below.

4. Malnourished people, which is a common situation that affects the liver greatly.

5. Those who use any medical drugs at all, and those who use any recreational drugs at all.  They usually have a more toxic and/or more sluggish liver, or will in the future.


            Fatty liver will usually respond very well to a complete development program.  Two daily coffee enemas, and one or two near infrared lamp sauna sessions daily are most helpful, in addition to the alkaline cooked vegetable diet and the supplements based on a properly performed hair mineral test.




            Hepatitis is extremely common. It is often viral and there are several strains of it that are labeled A, B, C, D, E and perhaps others, today.  All or almost all cases of hepatitis involve opportunist organisms.  This means that if a person is healthy, one will not become infected, or if infection does occur, it will be mild and transient.

            Today, most people, however, are not healthy.  As a result, these opportunist strains of viruses and other micro-organisms are difficult to eradicate, at times.  Using development science, even stubborn cases of Hepatits C or others usually will resolve quite easily within a year or less.  We do not address the hepatitis as much as we address the overall condition of the body, strengthening and balancing the body so that it can remove the infection successfully and completely.  Therefore, we do not like using drugs of any kind, or even megadoses of vitamin C or other nutrients, although high-dose vitamin C will often help.  The problem is it makes the body more yin, which is not helpful.




            The liver is the site of some parasitic infections.  Of these, liver flukes are by far the most common.  Many people have these, and they usually do not cause a lot of health problems.  I believe testing for them is not worth the effort.

Other parasites that find their way into the liver include some species of amoebas, flagellated one-celled animals, trichina worms, perhaps tapeworms and at times, others.  The liver is fairly resistant to parasites, but the bodies today are so toxic, and so out of balance, that parasites and other infections of the liver are common.

            In almost all cases a development program will slowly remove all parasites from the liver.  This may sound like a wild claim, but it is our day-to-day experience.  I will explain how this works.

            Parasites thrive, generally, in a toxic body.  As the body heals and becomes better nourished and more balanced, substances are secreted by the body that are extremely toxic for all parasites.  These include bioavailable copper, even some silver compounds, and many enzymes such as lysozymes that are proteolytic.  This means they are capable of digesting proteinaceous material, which includes living organisms that do not belong there.

            Our task, therefore, is to build up the body so that it begins to produce these substances in large enough quantity to halt the spread of parasites and slowly reduce their population.  This is not as hard to do as it may seem.  In fact, within a year or two of starting a development program, often the level of the parasites is significantly reduced.

            In a few cases, other specific remedies may be needed to reduce the load of parasites.  The problem with these is that if the body is not strong and balanced, and if we miss just a few parasites, they reproduce prolifically and will come back quickly.  Also, most parasite remedies are somewhat toxic themselves, such as herbal remedies or drugs.  This is not helpful for overall health, and in fact slows the general detoxification of the body.  So for this reason, we rarely start with parasite remedies.  Instead, we always start with a program for healing the entire body.  As this occurs, usually the parasite problem diminishes and eventually vanishes. 




            Certain emotions, notably anger, irritate the liver.  This has been known for many years.  In fact, in Shakespeare’s day, the liver was believed to be the seat of the emotions.  This is largely true, in one sense.  The liver is where certain minerals such as copper and iron are stored.  Also, the liver is an entry point for etheric energy and when blocked, it leads to emotional outbursts.  This is a bit complex.  However, the liver is an important area for mental or spiritual development, as it is a site, one of several, in which a more advanced energy called etheric energy can enter the human body.  When there is too much anger, this does not happen.  This will cut short a life for this reason.  This is why many wise people have advised that one should let go of anger at any cost to preserve life.

The influence of the liver on emotions is reflected, in fact, in common language, in expressions such as “She has a lot of gall”, or “He gave her a piece of his liver”, meaning he blew up in anger at her.

As the toxic metals are released from the liver, however, often if begins to function better and the emotions become calmer.  Women often have a more toxic liver than some men because women have difficulty with anger more so than men.  This may have to do with their higher copper levels, higher estrogen levels and other factors.   




            We find that during a development program, at times the liver will become overloaded with toxins that are being released from storage sites throughout the body.  This is akin to overloading a toilet, which causes it to back up.  This will occasionally cause slightly elevated liver enzymes, for example, or some pain in the lower right side of the abdomen as the liver struggles to remove the toxins quickly enough.

            In most cases, this will pass quickly.  If it does not, we always suggest reducing the supplement program for a day or two, drinking more water and perhaps drinking distilled water for a few days, or taking an extra coffee enema, perhaps as well.  In all cases, this type of liver irritation is benign and nothing to worry about.  As the liver heals and becomes more able to remove toxins of all kinds, such symptoms tend to diminish.




Following a complete development program is the best option.  However, one can begin immediately with the following “generic” suggestions.  In some cases, they will be sufficient to resolve the problem without needing a full development program.  I prefer a complete program because it will address other issues and it will promote mental development as well as resolve almost all liver conditions.  Here are the generic suggestions:


1. Reduce the load of toxins that the liver must cope with on a daily basis by avoiding all processed foods, all food additives, alcohol and caffeine.

2. Learn how to substitute natural products for all over-the-counter and prescription drugs for common ailments such as allergies, colds, flu, infections, and all other health conditions as much as possible.

3. Use a powerful digestive aid every time you eat.  We recommend GB-3 by Endomet Laboratories in Phoenix, Arizona.  It contains a lot of ox bile, pancreatin, bile salts and Russian black radish.  Taking a digestive aid of this type will not only increase bile flow.  It will also reduce fermentation and putrefaction of food in the intestines.  These two highly toxic processes release enormous quantities of toxic chemicals into the intestine that are absorbed into the liver in many people.

4. Improve your eating habits.  This means do not drink much water with meals, eat slowly, chew thoroughly and do not overeat.  Also, avoid eating when anxious, and keep meals very simple – one, two or three foods per meal only.  These simple rules will also reduce harmful fermentation and putrefaction of your food.

5. Drink 3 quarts of water each day for adults.  Drink only spring water or distilled water for a few months only.  Avoid reverse osmosis water, alkaline waters and other types of water.

6. Follow the development diet.  Especially eat cooked vegetables with each meal, filling two-thirds of your plate with cooked vegetables each meal.  We know it is a lot of vegetables, but the bodies seem to require this today.

7. Consider doing one to four coffee enemas daily, and at least take our “basic” supplement program, at the very least.  This includes kelp capsules (6 daily for adults), omega-3 fatty acids (about 1000-1200 mg daily), vitamin D (5000 iu daily), and a product called Paramin from Endomet Labs that contains 250 mg calcium and 150 mg magnesium in each tablet (3 daily or more).


For best results, follow a complete development program with one of the Approved Helpers listed on this website only.  There are many imitators who intentionally do not offer the program correctly.

The program includes repeat hair mineral tests to assess your metabolic type and rate, and many other parameters of the body chemistry.  Then we will suggest more specific supplementation, more specific dietary suggestions and other procedures.  In this way, most liver conditions can be overcome easily.

For more details, read Liver Detoxification And Methylation.  Also read Methylation and Trimethylglycine.


To be continued –



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