by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© February 2022, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. Problems With IV Therapy

III. The Development Program And IV Therapy

IV. When And Why Use IV Therapy



A somewhat common therapy used by medical personnel and some holistic and naturopathic practitioners is intravenous nutrient therapy. This is the injection of substances directly into a vein.

Medical personnel use it to rehydrate people (usually saline solution), for feeding (glucose solution), and for drug therapy. Holistic and natural practitioners may use it to deliver vitamins, minerals, chelating drugs, and, at times, other substances such as hydrogen peroxide and ozone.


Reasons we do not use or recommend IV therapy are:

1. It is not needed. We are able to heal and develop the body using a development program without IV therapy. The only exceptions are when one cannot use oral therapy, such as if a person is unconscious or other situations listed at the end of this article.

2. Safety. IV therapy is not as safe as using food and oral nutritional supplementation. The reasons are:

A. It is more likely to unbalance body chemistry. In bypassing the normal routes of entry to the body, it avoids the natural defenses and buffering systems of the body.  As a result, it often unbalances body chemistry.

In fact, it is quite impossible for a practitioner to know exactly which and how much of the nutrients are needed. So it involves guesswork and mistakes are very likely to unbalance the body.

B. Lack of cleanliness and risk of infection.  It is more likely to spread infection because it bypasses the normal ways the body filters out bacteria and protects itself from infections.

C. Overwhelming the body.  Intravenous therapy easily overwhelms the body.  The reason is that the normal channels of absorption buffer or moderate the amount of any nutrient or substance that one takes into the body.  IV therapy bypasses the normal buffering mechanisms.

D. Contamination.  Contaminants or poisonous substances can easily be added to an IV bottle and one would likely not be aware of them.  This is much less likely to occur with tablets or capsules.

E. Hard on the kidneys.  In particular, IV therapies often stress and damage the kidneys, which must filter out the extra fluid and often must eliminate the substances delivered through the IV drip.

F. It is always somewhat invasive.

G. It is a professional therapy. This means it requires a trained person to administer it. This adds cost and some danger if the person is not competent or not careful enough.

H. It is a passive therapy. This means it requires little or no participation of the person receiving the therapy. 

We prefer therapies that require more participation of the person receiving the therapy.  These therapies tend to be less costly and more convenient because they can be done at home.  They also teach discipline and give people a greater sense of control over their body. With IV therapy, one has less control.

I. The medical paradigm. While helpful on rare occasions, IV therapy is often part of a psychological paradigm common in the healing field with which we do not agree. The belief system is:

A. Do not trust the body and its protective, buffering and absorption mechanisms. The belief is that for the best healing, one needs to circumvent or bypass these mechanisms. This belief is subtly taught to people through the media and elsewhere.

B. You cannot trust yourself to deliver nutrients or drugs.  You need a professional to put them in your body for you.

C. People should just put up with the pain and inconvenience of IV needles, taping of IV lines, and having to move about while connected to an IV bottle. For example, hooking up an IV line is considered routine if one enters a hospital today, even if there is no immediate need. The person’s comfort and convenience are considered secondary.


At this time, (December 2022), we do not recommend IV nutrient therapy. We find it unbalances the body and therefore will likely slow development and deep healing.

We also believe it is impossible for a practitioner to know exactly which nutrients and what proportion the body requires. This means you will get some helpful nutrients and some that are not needed or helpful.

We also find it unnecessary. Also, it is possibly very dangerous because one does not know exactly what one is getting. The author once developed a severe infection from a “sterile” IV needle right out of the package.


The only times we recommend IV nutrient therapy are during an emergency requiring a blood transfusion after a large blood loss, for the delivery of some drugs (which we very rarely recommend), or perhaps a need for rapid rehydration of the body due to severe dehydration.

In the latter case, it might be possible to rehydrate the body with enemas, but we have less experience with emergency situations of this type.

Intravenous feeding may also be needed during surgery or any time a person is unconscious such as for hydration and feeding a person who is in a coma.

Other rationales for IV therapy. Some practitioners like intravenous therapy because:

- The practitioner can charge much more money than selling a person a bottle of vitamin pills or recommending a diet.

- The practitioner is in charge, not the client, so patient compliance is not an issue.

- It moves substances into the body rapidly.

- It bypasses the stomach and intestines, which can destroy or attenuate some drugs and other substances.

- Even if the stomach does not damage a drug or substance, absorption may be better by bypassing the digestive tract.

- The rate of delivery can be carefully controlled by varying the drip rate of the IV solution.

- It can be used with an unconscious person.

- It can be used with a sleeping person without needing to wake the person to take a pill.

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