by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© June 2019, L.D Wilson Consultants, Inc.


Table of Contents




Are They Real?

If Real, Why Do They Occur?

Pattern Recognition

Importance of The Hair Patterns

Visual Patterns On Hair Tests

Requirements For Viewing



            List Of 12 Major Patterns

            How To Learn The Patterns

            Classification Of The Patterns

            Dangers Of Interpreting Hair Patterns

            Pattern Qualities

            Composition Of Patterns



            Hair Patterns As Homeostatic States

            Each Level and Ratio Is Really A Pattern

A Complex Vector System

Correlation With Acupuncture

Aura Indicators For Hair Mineral Patterns

Quantifying The Patterns






Hair mineral patterns offer deep insights into health and disease, lifestyle, movement in one’s life, and many other aspects of human and animal life.  Studying the patterns, in fact, teaches one so much about the body and mind that it is one of the most rewarding studies imaginable. 

Natural skepticism.  Most people are skeptical about the hair mineral patterns, as was this author.  However, our experience with over half a million tests over about 40 years is that they are usually valid, and extremely useful.

Acupuncture.  Those familiar with acupuncture have heard of some of the same patterns, so familiarity with some technical aspects of acupuncture is helpful to appreciate hair analysis patterns.

Ultimately, you will decide for yourself if the patterns are valid.  We urge you not to prejudge and to recognize the complexity of the science of understanding the hair mineral patterns.

Touches on most sciences.  Working with the hair mineral patterns quickly takes one into a hidden world involving biology, physiology, pathology, geometry, vector mathematics, shape science, psychology, whole systems thinking, fractals, holography and many more sciences.   In fact, hair pattern interpretation touches on most modern sciences!

Very different from other types of testing.  The reality of the patterns is just one way in which hair mineral testing is completely different from blood, urine, saliva, thermography, x-rays and other scans, electronic machines, or other types of testing of the body.  These other tests have value, but do not offer anything like the richness that a hair mineral test offers.




Dr. Paul Eck developed the calibrated chart we use to assess the mineral patterns discussed in this article.  He also discovered a few of the basic patterns we use today. 

Patterns he discovered include the oxidation type and rate, the sodium/potassium ratio, the calcium shell, burnout patterns, adrenal stress, four lows, four highs and a few more.  He also discovered a number of patterns associated with specific health conditions.

Since his passing about 25 years ago, we have modified some of the ideal values on the chart (However, these are not on the current graphs from Analytical Research Laboratory or ARL as of June 2019.  Nor are they described in the ARL computerized test interpretations).

We have also added about 100 more patterns.  We continue to identify new patterns at a rate of one every few months or so.




A quick answer is that in a mysterious way, the hair of the head ‘conforms to’ or expresses the brain wave patterns of a person and this expresses the entirety of a person’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual life.  We know this answer is quite incomplete, but it gives a general idea of what is occurring. 

At another level, minerals are the determining factor in our health to a degree that very few people appreciate.  Mineral elements are not just sterile aspects of physical chemistry.  They are living homeostatic states of matter with a multitude of properties.  Among the most interesting, for example, are the Anthropomorphic Qualities Of Minerals.  This, by itself, is a remarkable area of study.

At another level, the souls use the very same system of measuring minerals to assess and alter body chemistry.  All we are doing is copying their system and helping them maintain and restore the health of the body.




Pattern recognition is the act of “connecting the dots” and is part of figuring out the hair test patterns.  Pattern recognition is a type of thinking in which one notices a group of objects in a particular configuration.  Then one compares it to a set of known patterns to see if it fits with what one already knows.

One may check other tests to confirm the pattern, and to figure out its meaning.  For example, one can check the health conditions, the diet, the lifestyle, stressors and other things to try to figure out the meaning of the pattern.  Factors that go into pattern recognition of hair test patterns include but are not limited to the particular levels and ratios of specific minerals, the shape of the pattern, the feeling of the pattern such as movement it depicts, symbolic interpretation such as a ‘hill’ or a ‘bowl’ and more.




            A few reasons for learning about and paying attention to the hair mineral patterns are:

            - To learn about life.

- To learn many sciences.

- To understand more about yourself and others.

- To help set up and improve healing and development programs.

 - To help solve problems on programs.




1. The hair must be sampled correctly.  This is explained in a separate article, Hair Sampling Procedures.

2. Once at the laboratory, the hair sample must not be washed at the laboratory at all.  Most laboratories presently wash the hair and it always ruins the accuracy of the test.  We believe this is deliberate in order to obscure the truth and value of the test.  For a study of hair washing, read Hair Washing Study.

3. The laboratory analysis procedure must be done carefully and checked for accuracy with many quality controls.

4. For a visual display that is extremely helpful, the lab results must be displayed on the calibrated chart developed by Dr. Paul Eck.  The values are presented in a certain order, with certain normal values, and the levels are displayed as vertical bar graphs along calibrated scales.

At this time, the only calibrated graph that will reveal all the patterns is the one produced by Analytical Research Labs of Phoenix, Arizona, USA.  Graphs from other laboratories may resemble the one from ARL, but to the best of our knowledge, none of them work nearly as well.

These requirements are absolute and not open to compromise.  This is one reason we cannot recommend most hair testing labs anywhere in the world.

There are over 100 patterns that can be seen on a hair mineral analysis.  Learning them all is difficult for anyone.  Efforts are underway to have a computer identify all the patterns.  This will help practitioners in the future.  Below is a list of the most important patterns.  The list is divided into:

- Patterns seen on initial tests or retests.

- Patterns seen only on retests.




All the patterns can be either more extreme or more mild.  The first eight of the following patterns were discovered by Dr. Paul Eck:


The oxidation types.  These are fast, slow, and mixed oxidation.  These are extremely important for basic hair test interpretation. 

Dr. Eck calculated the oxidation types using a combination of two ratios, the calcium/potassium ratio and the sodium/magnesium ratio.  For details about how to do this, read The Oxidation Types.


Four lows pattern.  This is present when all of the first four macromineral levels are lower than their ideal level.  It is associated with fatigue, allergies and poorer overall health.  For details, read Four Lows Pattern.


The sodium/potassium ratio (also called Na/K).  Ratios are very special in hair test interpretation.  Dr. Eck called this the vitality ratio.  For details, read The Sodium/Potassium Ratio on this site.


The calcium/magnesium ratio (also called Ca/Mg).  Dr. Eck called this the sugar and carbohydrate tolerance ratio.  We have changed his interpretation of this ratio.  For details, read The Calcium/Magnesium Ratio on this site.


A calcium shell.  This is present when the hair calcium level is above 165 mg% in a woman or 155 mg% in a man.  For details, read The Calcium Shell.


Burnout. This pattern has to do with the activity of the adrenal and thyroid glands.  For much more on this pattern, please read Burnout Patterns on this site.


Double low ratio. Dr. Eck recognized this pattern, one of the double patterns.  This is also called double give-up or a slow death pattern.  It is present when both the calcium/magnesium ratio and the sodium/potassium ratios are low.  For more, please read Double Low Ratio Pattern on this site.


Tired fast oxidizer.  This is a fast oxidizer pattern with a low sodium/potassium ratio.  In other words, it combines two of the patterns above – fast oxidation and a low sodium/potassium ratio.


The patterns below we added to the work of Dr. Eck since the year 2000:


Sympathetic dominance.  Another name for this pattern is pushing.  I added this pattern to Dr. Eck’s work around the year 2000.  This is an autonomic nervous system and lifestyle pattern that usually involves a low potassium level, either absolutely low (4 mg% or less), or low relative to sodium (Na/K greater than about 4 or 5).  For more, please read Sympathetic Dominance on this site.


Poor eliminator.  This is a very important pattern.  It is present whenever the level of a toxic metal is lower than it should be.  It means the body is holding on to that metal, so there is plenty present, and having difficulty eliminating it.  For the details about this pattern, please read Poor Eliminator Pattern on this site.


The hill.  This pattern is present when the calcium/magnesium ratio is low, while the sodium/potassium ratio is high.  Visually, the pattern looks like a hill or mountain.  For details, please read The Hill Pattern.


The bowl. This pattern is present when the calcium/magnesium ratio is HIGH (greater than 9.5), while the sodium/potassium ratio is LOW (less than 2.5).  It is associated with feeling stuck.  For details, please read The Bowl Pattern.


Step down. This pattern is present when the bar graphs of the first four macrominerals look like steps moving downward from left to right.  For more, read Step Down Pattern.


Step up.  This important pattern looks like steps moving upward to the right.  It is also called stepping out of life.   For details, read Step Up Pattern.




Coming Alive / Settling down

Anchors / Pivots

Hilling / bowling

Amigo dump

Everything coming out


Climbing our of four lows

Out of four lows

Out of four lows backwards

Out of the bomb shelter


Digging Deeper

Leaving The Cult

Kidney stress

Forward and Backward flips

Perking up

Interventions such as magnesium up




1. Do a lot of hair tests.  Then you will see these common patterns over and over again.


2. Read and re-read the section above of this article, and the articles about the patterns.


3. Draw the patterns, and try to memorize them.  For example, first draw each pattern with its name and its definition below the drawing.  Then cover up the name and definition of the pattern and see if you can remember the name and definition.

This is not too hard with several of them because they look like the name – the bowl, the hill, four low, four high, step up and step down.


For deeper study, here are some hints: 


4. Study the levels, ratios or simple patterns that combine to make up the pattern you are learning.  This will often give you clues to help you understand the pattern.

For example, a calcium shell is a very high calcium level.  Calcium calms people down, and can sedate the nervous system.  These are keys to understanding a calcium shell, in which a person is tired, sluggish, depressed, and emotionally suppressed.


5. Compare the pattern to its opposite, when this is possible.

This is an excellent method to learn more about a pattern.  For example, the bowl looks the opposite of the hill, and their characteristics are quite opposite.  Step up is somewhat opposite the look of step down.  Fast and slow oxidation are opposite in some ways.  (Four lows and four highs do not have a lot of opposite qualities).


6. Consider the visual aspects of the pattern in more detail.  This is unusual, but the actual visual picture of the pattern in many cases tells you about the pattern.  For example, four lows looks like a collapse.  Step up looks like stairs leading out of life, and that is what the pattern means!


7. If you are a nutritional balancing practitioner, look for clients of yours who have the pattern.  Their symptoms, physical characteristics, personality and other things may help to confirm or modify your previous observations and conclusions about the nature of the pattern.

Especially review the cases of people who have the pattern in a persistent way (it persists on one hair test after another).  They often represent the pattern in a more powerful and therefore easier-to-see manner.


8. Look for extreme cases of the pattern.  This may also yield more clues about its meaning, as the meaning may be more obvious in these cases.


9. Get quiet, tune in and allow the pattern speak to you.  This may sound a little unusual, but it can help. 




This is necessary, and not always easy.  Several ways to do it are:


1. Always begin with the oxidation rate and the major ratios – sodium/potassium and calcium/magnesium.

2. Four lows is always a critical pattern.

3. Sympathetic dominance is always an important pattern.

4. For other patterns, look for the most extreme pattern.  This is likely to be most important, although not always.

For more details, please read Prioritizing The Patterns on this site.




            Several ways to classify hair mineral patterns are:

1 Which tests they appear on (initial or retests or progressions)

2. Their composition (levels and ratios)

3. Whether they have to do with diet, lifestyle, disease, etc.

4. Other, such as their geometric shape, or other meaning such as a pattern related to death, or joy.


            Here are a few of these classifications:


1. Initial hair test patterns.  These are patterns that appear on initial hair analyses.  Many can also appear on retests, as well.


2. Retest patterns.  These are patterns that only appear on retests.  They involve comparisons of patterns on the earlier test with patterns on the following test.


3. Progression patterns.  These are patterns that only appear on three or more tests.  They are also comparisons, but involve comparing three separate tests.


              The Read Articles page of this website lists all of the patterns I am aware of.  They are divided into the three groups above.



Ideal patterns

Death patterns

Full patterns

Empty patterns

Lifestyle patterns

Dietary patterns …





When and in whom it is found


How common is the pattern?

Initial, retest or progression pattern?

Physical health meaning

Emotional/mental health meaning

Type(s) of movement associated with it (karma)

Energy center qualities

Anticipated resolution

Vector qualities?




A visual pattern can consist of:

1. A single mineral level.  Example: a calcium shell.

2. Two or more mineral levels.  Example: four lows and four highs.

3. One ratio. (a ratio is the relationship between two mineral levels).  Example: the sodium/potassium ratio.

4. Two or more ratios. For example, the oxidation rate, the hill and the bowl patterns all consist of two ratios.  Step down and step up patterns each consist of four ratios.

5. Combinations of one or more levels and one or more ratios.  For example, sympathetic dominance pattern involves a combination of a low potassium level and, at times, a high sodium/potassium ratio.






            What we call the hair patterns may be thought of as stable or homeostatic states of the human system.  This requires some explaining.

Homeostasis means the ability and tendency to maintain a constant internal state in the face of challenges from within and without.  Complex systems, especially living organisms, form these stable states in order to keep themselves going and to optimize their functioning. 

For example, the temperature of a human body normally stays around 98 degrees Fahrenheit or 27 degrees centigrade.  The blood sugar level stays around 70-90 mg/dl.  Blood pressure stays around 120/80 mm Hg.

These are well-known examples of homeostatic states that allow us to stay alive and function optimally.  They can change if conditions require it, such as a high fever if you are sick with an infection.  Most of the  time, however, they remain relatively constant.

In a similar fashion, the hair calcium level should stay about 40 mg%.  The hair sodium/potassium ratio should stay around 2.5 to 5.  This is necessary in order for the body to function normally.

The hair mineral patterns, such as four lows, are altered or aberrant homeostatic states.  These altered states of body chemistry can be the result of nutritional or other problems, and they can, in turn, cause symptoms and diseases.  As we identify and learn how to correct the aberrant homeostatic patterns, we become much more able to return bodies to a state of health.

While temperature, blood pressure and blood sugar are critical measures, we find that correcting them is not enough today to return a body to its optimal equilibrium state.  The additional homeostatic states identifiable on a hair mineral test (not possible with blood or urine) is extremely helpful to optimize body functioning.




Every single mineral level and each ratio is really a pattern, and could be interpreted.  However, this would be totally overwhelming because there are literally millions of levels of each minerals and combinations of mineral levels.  Each ratio, such as 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and so on is also a pattern, and these are innumerable, as well.

What we do as a practical matter is to choose just a few patterns to study.  They tell us enough information to enable us to assist our clients.




Multiple levels and ratios can be viewed as complex vectors.  A vector is a phenomenon or quantity that has two properties – direction and magnitude.  A complex vector has direction, magnitude and placement.

The word vector also means the graphical representation of this phenomenon.

Vectors look like arrows.  The magnitude of a vector is the length of the arrow.  The arrow also points in a specific direction.  The arrow also exists in a specific location or placement on the hair chart.

To create these arrows, one connects the tops of the bar graphs on a hair mineral analysis.  This produces many vectors – each with a magnitude, direction and placement.

Together these form a mathematical system or equation.  Though it sounds esoteric, this is a superb way to interpret a hair mineral chart.  One does not have to know much mathematics to draw and appreciate the vectors.  In fact, many of them are simple to see and interpret.




An interesting fact is that all the visual patterns described in this article correlate perfectly with acupuncture pulse diagnosis patterns.  In fact, some of the same names are used in acupuncture to describe the pattern. 




An amazing fact, I am told, is that many hair mineral patterns discussed in this article and on the website have signs in the aura.  Finding them is not always easy, and some day a computer will be programmed to recognize them for us.




Not only can one identify visual patterns on a hair mineral chart, but the patterns can be quantified, often fairly easily.  This is a more advanced aspect of hair analysis interpretation that can further help one understand a client’s symptoms, personality or other situation.

The patterns are quantified as single, double, triple, and so forth.  Sometimes we write this as 1X, 2X, 3X and so on.  Amazingly, the aura sign also often displays quantification, usually as one, two or more hash marks next to each other in the location of that particular aura sign.

An important warning is that patterns on a retest hair mineral test if one is following a nutritional balancing program are often just retracing.  They should not be viewed as imbalances!  I also would not bother trying to quantify them for the same reason.  For more on retracing, read Retracing on this site.




For a more comprehensive look at a small number of hair mineral patterns, we suggest reading Chapter 32 of Nutritional Balancing And Hair Mineral Analysis, 2010, 2014 and 2016 editions.  There many patterns are listed according to their hair levels and ratios.

The Read Articles web page lists all the patterns we have identified.

Quantifying The Patterns explores the more advanced idea of quantifying the patterns.



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