By Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© November 2015, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


Some bible scholars believe that the purpose of the Old Testament and some of its stories are about the making of a better genetic race of people to populate the planet earth.  A few of these well-known stories are:


1. Adam and Eve, and their exodus from the Garden of Eden for eating the “forbidden fruit”.

2. The birth of Cain in Genesis, and his evil deed of murdering his brother Abel, and the resulting flood of Noah.

3. The journey of the Hebrew people in the desert of Sinai with Moses.  This is described in some detail below.

4. The repeated battles, which almost become boring in the Old Testament.  However, what they did was to purge or weed out the weaker Hebrew men.

5. The diaspora, or spreading out of the Hebrew people throughout the world, which occurred after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D.  This was very difficult for the Hebrew people.  Many died and only the strong survived.

6.  In more recent times, the Hebrew people have been persecuted by the Muslims, by the Christians, by the Russian czars, and most recently by Adolf Hitler.  Each of these purges or pogroms, as they are called, again purged and strengthened the race by allowing only the hardy to survive.




This section discusses the purposes of the journey of the Hebrew people when they left Egypt, under the direction of Moses.




One of the purposes of the 40-year stay in the Sinai Desert after leaving Egypt was to purify the Hebrew race.  This was needed to build a fine and sturdy race of people.

It was also needed because the Hebrews had interbred to a degree with the Egyptians, while they were slaves.  Often this was due to rape by Egyptian slave masters.  Several methods were used to upgrade the genetics of the Hebrew people.


1. Purging.  The Hebrew Bible tells the story that some of the Hebrew people did not like Moses and did not like the Ten Commandments he brought down from Mount Sinai.  Strife arose and the people began fighting with one another.

Eventually, Moses separated the dissenters into a group, and then ordered them all killed.  This was very difficult for him to do, since they were his people, some were his friends, and he was not a “killer” by nature.  But the group had to be purged of the doubters.


2. Radiation.  I have read that the tablets Moses brought down from the mountain were somewhat radioactive.  They were kept in the ark of the covenant, which was lined with gold to protect the people from the rays.  However, on certain holidays the tablets were brought out and passed around, and this may also have caused some genetic mutations to occur.


3. The food.  Starting about one month after they entered the desert, “manna” began to fall from the sky every morning.  The Bible said it looked like coriander and other seeds.

The Hebrew root word for manna means stature or importance.  The Hebrews recognized that this food was special.  They gathered it every day except on the Sabbath, when it did not arrive. 

Extra manna fell to the ground on Fridays that they ate for two days.  Usually, it spoiled if kept for more than one day, but on the day before the Sabbath or Friday, it did not spoil so it could be eaten for two days. 

The people ground it up, mixed it with water and made cakes or flat bread with it.  This was their food for 40 years, along with a little meat and some nuts, berries and other foods they gathered from time to time.

The manna was a special food, according to the Biblical texts.  It made the people very strong and well-nourished, much more so than their enemies, whom they had to overcome in order to survive in the desert.  This unique food product may also have helped with some genetic imbalances in the people.


4. The machine.  The Zohar also discusses a machine given to the Hebrews by their Jeshuas or Jehovah guides.  A drawing of it is in the Zohar.  A television program on the History Channel discussed it in detail.  Some Biblical scholars even built one based on the plans in the Zohar.

It appears to be an incubator for growing kelp or a related product.  Everyone was given a small amount of this product to eat each day.  This was another special food used to strengthen the people and improve their body chemistry and genetics.




Another important task during the exodus was to change the attitudes of the Hebrew people.  They left Egypt as slaves, often full of fear and hopelessness, as is the case with many slaves.  The desert experience slowly taught them to be strong and independent, quite the opposite of slaves.  This change occurred by several mechanisms, including instruction that is in the Bible, and through winning in battle, and in other ways.




This was the other lesson of the desert experience.  Moses, as well as all of his people, had to learn to trust and to love their God.  This was not always easy, and a number of “experiences” were devised to help the people develop the correct attitude toward their heavenly leader.



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