by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© June 2018, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


This is a very common, painful condition of the wrist and forearm in which the nerves appear to become inflamed in this area, causing extreme discomfort and possible loss of flexibility and function in some cases.  A development program can be exceptionally helpful to relieve and completely get rid of this condition.  This article explores some causes of carpal tunnel syndrome and their correction.




While a single one of the following may cause carpal tunnel syndrome, often a combination is responsible.  All causes should be addressed together, whenever possible:


- Hypothyroidism, often sub-clinical. A development program will slowly correct this without a need to take thyroid replacement hormones.

- Inflammation, usually indicated by a high sodium/potassium ratio.

- A low sodium/potassium ratio.  This can indicate some tissue breakdown or catabolism.

- Biounavailable calcium, with some calcium deposits in the joints.

- Repetitive stress injury, although we believe this is a secondary cause.

- Perhaps excessive muscle tension or tightness in the forearms or wrists.

- Toxic metals, which tend to accumulate in the extremities due to reduced blood circulation in many people.

- Possibly a deficiency of vitamin B6 or other B-complex vitamins, in particular.  Other nutrient deficiencies such as low iodine or others might also be involved, in some cases.

- Stress due to any cause can aggravate the condition.


A development program addresses these, and perhaps other causes of carpal tunnel syndrome.  The responses, so far, have been excellent.



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