By Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© May 2018, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.




In my experience, nutritional balancing could save farmers, ranchers, livestock and pet owners billions of dollars in unnecessary losses and animal disability.  It would also  extend the lifespan of many animals and contribute greatly to their performance and commercial value of livestock and larger animals.

This is a general article about working with animals.  To read about specific animals, please go to the following links:


Cats And Nutritional Balancing


Cows And Nutritional Balancing Science


Deer And Nutritional Balancing Science


Dogs And Nutritional Balancing


Horses And Nutritional Balancing


Lambs, Sheep And Nutritional Balancing Science


Here are general principles and some tips about programs for animals.


1. The principles of development science apply to animal species.  All the same principles of hair analysis interpretation, physiolology, biochemistry and even psychology in the articles on this website apply to the animal species. 

2. Animals are much easier to work with than human beings.  The reasons are their diets are easier to control, their mental and emotional makeup is simpler, they usually have suffered fewer traumas, and they are generally better nourished and in better health than human beings.  However, some creatures have many layers of infections, toxic metals and chemicals, and other imbalances.

3. Ideal mineral values are a very critical concept.  Broad ranges of mineral levels will not suffice.  Anyone who offers you a program based on mineral ranges is not doing development science.


Fur Sampling:


1. Hair or fur samples must be clean. One way is to wipe the sampling area with rubbing alcohol first to clean it.  Do not use water, as this may wash out some water-soluble minerals.

2. For best accuracy, cut the sample from the brain area of the head, or as close to it as possible.


Laboratory notes:

1. Hair must not be washed at the laboratory.  For accurate mineral readings, one must use a laboratory that does not wash the hair at all. We only know of two laboratories that do not wash the hair at all.  We prefer Analytical Research Labs in Phoenix, Arizona.  They are presently doing better lab work and their graphs are easier to read.




1. How the program works.  The program balances the oxidation rate and the sodium/potassium ratio.  This drastically increases adaptive energy in the animal.  As this occurs, healing follows, without a need for remedies or drugs.  This is quite unique.

2. Feed.  Almost all dog food is terrible.  Cat food is better.  Hay and other feed for horses and cows varies in quality.  Changing the food is critical for healing for many animals.

3. Drinking water is sometimes important to change for the health of animals.  Always give dogs and cats a choice of two kinds of drinking water.

For livestock, changing the water supply is a costly problem.  At times, filters can be placed on livestock drinking water supplies to remove toxic metals or toxic chemicals.

In a few cases, it may be possible to find a nearby spring to use instead of a contaminated well. 

4. Nutritional supplements.  All animals today need not only excellent feed, water and warmth.  They all need certain nutritional supplements.  This is a hard and fast rule, if you wish to have healthy animals.  The amounts of nutrients contained in even the best dog or cat food, or the best hay, silage or pasture land, is just not sufficient for todayŐs animals.

5. Red heat lamps.  Many animals, including dogs, cats, chickens, horses, and others enjoy the rays from a reddish brooder lamp or heat lamp.  This is easy and inexpensive to set up.  Just be sure the animal will not knock if over.

6. Love.  Animals all require a lot of care and love.  Never overlook this factor in your care of all animals.

7. Warmth.  Most indoor and warm-climate animals prefer an ambient temperature of about 74 degrees F. or about 24 degrees C.  Many animals are kept in cool homes, cool pens or cool pasturelands year round.  This is not optimal for most animals. 

Many are cold and they speed up their metabolism in an effort to keep warm.  This stresses the body, shortens the lifespan, and causes disease, as well.

So please keep your animals as warm as you are .  Never leave a dog outside in the cold, or even a chicken or pet rabbit.  They all need a warm home.  The same applies to livestock, where the animals huddle together to keep warm, which is not ideal.  Use plenty of brooder lights in the winter on your animals.  They will appreciate it.

8. Most animals are quite toxic today.  This is due to problems in their food and their water.  They may also be born this way due to problems in their motherŐs bodies.  It is also due to entirely too many medical drugs and vaccines.  In our experience, most of these are not needed if an animal is fed correctly and placed on a development program. 


Hair Mineral Analysis Notes


Oxidation Types

1. Most animals are fast oxidizers.  This is an alarm stage of stress that indicates acute stress and inflammation.  It is an early stage of stress, which is good.

2. Slow oxidation and four lows patterns occur in animals, but not too often.  They are much more common in human beings.  We are not sure of all the reasons for this, but psychology may play a role.

If a hair mineral test reveals a four lows pattern in a creature, the animal is in bad shape.  Horses show this pattern more than most other animals.


The Major Ratios

1. The ideal sodium/potassium or Na/K ratio is much lower for creatures than for human beings.  The ideal Na/K ratio for animals is around 0.5.  (It is 2.5 for human beings).

2. The Na/K ratio of most animals we test is extremely high.  This is indicates acute stress and inflammation.

3.  The calcium/magnesium ratio is often too high in animals.  This is because too many of them are fed grain when this is not their native or correct food.


Mineral levels

1. The calcium and magnesium levels are often quite low in animals.  This is due to 1) stress and 2) a fast oxidation pattern.  A chronic sympathetic discharge or fight-or-flight reaction causes the body to excrete too much calcium and magnesium, and these minerals are difficult to replace with standard animal feeds.

2. The sodium level is often much too high in animals.  This is also due to acute stress and overactive adrenal glands.  Aldosterone secretion by the adrenal glands causes sodium retention in the tissues. 




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            Restoring the health of our livestock on earth depends, in part, upon regenerating the soils of the planet.  This is a critical project, and nutritional balancing principles can help.  To learn more about this, please read Soil Rejuvenation With Nutritional Balancing.



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