by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© April 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. How To Use Peanuts For Healing And Development

III. Other Topics



NOTE: This is a complete rewrite of a much older article that warned against eating peanuts. At this time (2024), peanuts, when used properly, are an important food for health and development.


Beans. Peanuts are technically a legume or bean. They are not nuts, so the name is misleading.

Beans are a very common and nourishing food. They are widely used to feed animals and are part of the diet of many nations, especially America and Thailand.

Beans are able to capture nitrogen from the air and fix it in the soil. This is very important for the health of the soil and all plants. Plants need a lot of nitrogen to make protein and other substances.

Farmers today put chemical nitrogen on their crops. However, the nitrogen from bean plants is much better.

The development diet does not include many beans because most beans are a low etheric energy food and are not needed for the amazing process called development. For details, read Introduction To Development.

Beans are also somewhat cold or yin in macrobiotic terminology, which is not helpful.


Peanuts are unusual in that the bean grows underground. This makes it a warmer or more yang food in macrobiotic terminology. This is important because the bodies are too cold and the warming quality of peanuts is helpful at this time.

Peanuts are extremely high in protein, and the quality of the peanut protein is excellent. It is called a complete protein food. This is not true of most other beans.

Peanuts are also high in selenium, zinc, and many other micronutrients that are needed today. Many of these nutrients are difficult to obtain from many other foods.

Certain ferments that grow on peanuts contain more nutrients that are needed today.

In addition, peanuts, when properly prepared and consumed, contain special souls that are assisting our planet at this time.


George Washington Carver was an amazing plant scientist who was born a slave near the end of the American Civil War (1863). He researched peanuts and figured out over 200 products that can be made using peanuts.

He convinced Southern farmers in America to grow peanuts to save the land that had become depleted by growing just cotton or tobacco. To read his inspiring life story, read George Washington Carver.


1. Buy peanuts that are in the shell. They need not be organically grown. They are often sold in supermarkets.

2. Buy peanuts that are roasted and salted.

3. It is okay if peanuts look discolored or old-looking. It is also acceptable if the peanut shells are cracked open or broken open.

However, the peanuts should taste okay. If a peanut tastes bad, better to spit it out.

4. Adults need to eat about two peanuts each day. They are a protein food and for this reason are best eaten near the beginning of a meal.



1. Legume toxicity. Most legumes are slightly toxic. This is one reason we don't recommend eating a lot of beans, except for green beans, which are a vegetable.

2. Rancid oil used in roasting. Dry roasted peanuts are better for this reason.

3. Food allergies. Peanuts today have a somewhat bad reputation for causing food allergies. While true in some cases, this does not detract from the value of correctly eating peanuts at this time.

If you are allergic to peanuts, the reason is usually impaired digestion. In this case, wait to eat peanuts and strictly eat the development diet. After a few months, peanut allergies will usually subside as your digestion improves.

4. Aflatoxin. This is a toxic mold that can grow on peanuts. All peanuts are inspected to detect this mold and are not allowed to be sold if it is present.

5. Other mold. Peanuts can grow other types of mold. In fact, some of these are beneficial and are one reason we recommend peanuts at this time. These molds, which are mostly dark in color and can discolor peanuts, produce certain nutrients needed at this time.

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