by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© September
2012, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
Lyme disease is a
bacterial infection caused by a corkscrew-shaped bacterium or spirochete called
borrelia burgdorferi. The
spirochete is somewhat similar in structure to the organism that causes
malaria, although the symptoms are very different.
Sometimes the lyme
disease is accompanied by other infections with organisms such as babesia and
bartonella. These are called
co-infections. The condition is
called Lyme disease because early
cases showed up in the town of Lyme, Connecticut, USA.
About 300,000 people
are diagnosed with lyme disease each year. However, due to difficulty indentifying it, many doctors
think that many more people are infected.
of spread. The disease is spread by ticks that infect people when the ticks
attach themselves to suck blood and other nutrients. These “deer ticks” are found most often in moist and wooded
areas, and are particularly abundant on the Eastern coast of the United States,
and in a few of the more humid Western states as well.
Although tick bites
are the main way the illness is spread, there is evidence the condition can
also be spread by other means, including unclean food, and perhaps even through
exchanges of body fluids such as during sex, blood transfusions, and other
methods as well.
While the condition
was first discovered in the United States, it is now being diagnosed in Europe
as well, and perhaps elsewhere.
infections. Many, if not most people with Lyme disease have secondary
infections with other strains of bacteria, viruses, or perhaps other
parasites. This can confuse or
worsen the clinical picture of the disease.
Symptoms. When one is first bitten by a tick,
most people experience a bulls eye-shaped rash for up to a few weeks, and then
it goes away. One may feel ill,
but not necessarily and some people do not notice the rash.
In some cases, Lyme
disease causes few obvious symptoms.
However, if the body becomes weakened, then common symptoms include
aches and pains, dizziness, irritability, neuritis, neuralgia, muscle pains,
chronic fatigue, depression and many others. The severity of symptoms depends upon where the parasites
are, how many are in the body, and how weak or out of balance the body is.
drug treatment. The accepted medical treatment is with long-term antibiotic
therapy. This will kill some of
the organisms, but not all of them, so the condition may return in the
future. A serious problem with
antibiotic therapy is that the drugs are quite toxic. This means that although they may kill off some of the
parasites, they leave the patient more toxic and weaker in all cases. This is why avoiding the use of
antibiotics is helpful, if it is possible, which I find it is.
A properly designed
nutritional balancing program will usually reduce the severity of Lyme disease
without a need for antibiotics or other specific remedies. In most cases, people can return to a
normal life. If one continues the
program for a number of years, the disease can be eradicated completely, in
many cases.
Here is a short case
history – one of many we have seen.
age 41, was diagnosed with Lyme disease several years ago. She had a long list of horrendous
symptoms including chronic fatigue syndrome, ME or myalgic encephalitis,
secondary infections, depression, arthritis, osteoporosis, neuritis, heart
palpitations, anorexia, and anxiety.
had taken antibiotics and other remedies such as herbs to combat the Lyme
disease, but these only helped temporarily and not too much. However, after only 3 months on a nutritional
balancing program, she noticed a significant reduction in her symptoms, to the
point that she is able to work again and resume a more normal life. She knows that to fully get rid of the
condition, it will require more time on a program, but the progress is notable
and did not involve any toxic drugs.
Many people have Lyme disease who are never diagnosed with it. This is just my
observation. Accurate testing for
Lyme disease is not always easy.
With nutritional balancing as a corrective method, testing is not
needed. I just assume that most
people have Lyme disease. It
may not be causing symptoms, but the infection is often present, especially if
one lives in a damper, wooded areas of the United States, and perhaps
Lyme disease is opportunistic.
This means that the parasite is spread very easily. However, if one’s body is strong, the
disease does not cause significant physical or mental impairment in most people.
However, when the body becomes
weakened for any reason, such as age, stress, or nutritional deficiencies that
are often subtle, then the parasite begins to multiply and symptoms become
3. If
one lives in an area where deer ticks live, reinfection is common. This is another reason why strengthing the body
is so important. If the area where
one is bitten can be heated significantly soon after re-infection, this may
also kill the parasite. This is
explained in the section below entitled Other
Heat Therapies.
Correction can occur by properly renourishing, detoxifying and balancing the
body. Then the terrain or
internal environment of the body is not compatible with the illness and it
slowly subsides on its own. In
contrast, the remedies most doctors suggest for Lyme disease, which are
antibiotics, are often quite toxic and can worsen health in the long run.
With nutritional balancing science, symptomatic improvement often occurs in as
soon as a few days to a few weeks. If
a nutritional balancing process is continued for long enough, the illness can
be totally removed from the body without the use of antibiotics or other
drugs. In these cases, if
reinfection occurs, the body can throw off the parasite without too much
difficulty. One may still get the
common “bull’s eye rash”, but the illness does not take hold in the body.
Sauna therapy. The Lyme spirochete appears to be very
heat sensitive. This is a fact we
use to our advantage with near infrared light sauna therapy. It works beautifully with many cases of
Lyme disease, and is inexpensive and completely non-toxic. I recommend at least two lamp sauna
sessions daily, and they should be 45 to 60 minutes long at 120 degrees F.
One woman who
had not been able to walk for several years reported that she can now walk and
even work, just after about two weeks of twice daily near infrared light sauna
therapy. The use of other types of
saunas, such as the traditional type and the far infrared type, are probably
less effective, but may be somewhat helpful as well.
The near
infrared light sauna is a safe, comfortable and effective way to heat the
entire body several degrees. While
is may not kill the parasite, it seems able to at least disable it to some degree,
and perhaps causes the death of susceptible organisms as well. So always include this modality of
healing for Lyme disease. To read
more about it, click on Sauna Therapy.
Other heat therapies. Others also report to us that any heat
treatment can relieve the symptoms of Lyme disease. For example, one man who lives in a tick-infected
environment told us he stops the spread of the tick bite by immediately putting
the bitten area under very hot water in the shower or bathtub for upwards of
one hour. If he does this, he
claims, the tick bite does not result in the usual bull’s eye rash.
He also treated a severe knee
infestation with Lyme disease by placing his knees in extremely hot water or by
aiming an electric hair dryer at the area, again for upwards of one hour. He claims this stopped the knee pain
and it has not returned.
helps. In addition to the use of heat to kill of the parasites, making
the body more yang is another key to
success. To do this, the diet is
most important, especially avoiding vegetarian diets, raw food diets, and foods
such as fruits and all other sugars.
Limcomin. This is an Endomet Labs product that
helps with many infections. Those
with Lyme disease may need much more of it than is usually recommended by the
computer at Analytical Research Labs.
It can be most helpful by supporting the immune response.
supplements. The correct supplements
are another key to success. Too
many supplements are very yin, and not helpful. If a person follows a properly designed nutritional
balancing program strictly, however, the results are usually wonderful.
In addition, one or
two coffee enemas are excellent to rid the body of toxic metals and toxic
chemicals that interfere with healing.
I suggest avoiding
ionic foot baths, alkaline water machines of all kinds, and intravenous or
natural chelating agents. Also, be
careful with herbs, as many are toxic.
Most are okay for a short while, but not for longer term use.
I have never needed
to recommend taking antibiotics for Lyme disease, although they work to some
degree. They are not needed, are
too toxic, and worsen health in the long run for this reason. They might be helpful for an emergency,
but one could probably use a far less toxic method to control symptoms, if this
is necessary.
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