by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© November 2013, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for
educational purposes only. It is
not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health
This phrase was spoken to me by a wonderful counselor about 34 years ago. I had said something about “knowing” about something. He looked back at me, stating that “knowing is demonstrating”. By this he meant that the only way to know if you really know or understand some concept, idea, or technique is if you can demonstrate it. It stopped me, while I pondered the idea, and then I had to agree.
The idea that knowing is demonstrating is similar to the idea that one must practice what one preaches. In both cases, action is required that demonstrates or illustrates the idea or technique that one claims to know or understand.
In other words, it is not enough to make pronouncements, give speeches, or even to pray about something. If there is something you claim to know, it must be demonstrated somehow to confirm or consecrate or complete the principle of knowing.
Some years ago, I read the books by Buckminster Fuller, and was profoundly affected by them. One of the principles is similar to the theme of this article. Dr. Fuller stated that one must “build one’s inventions” to demonstrate the ideas. It is not enough to just think about things. One must actually construct prototypes, or demonstrate the idea physically, or it is not complete. This is the same idea as the theme of this article.
This theme is at once practical and grounded. It is most necessary today to restore confidence in the mind and thinking, for some people. Once again, it is that one must complete all projects by actually doing them, or building them. Only then does one know that one’s ideas are valid and not just a fantasy that really has little clear application.
In this connection, for example, I classify many ‘liberal’ ideas as simply wrong or unworkable in practice or in demonstration, although they may sound good. They include ideas such as socialized medicine, government control of education, trade unionism, medical licenses, thinking men and women are exactly alike in all ways except their anatomy, public school education as superior, that guns in the hands of the people is a bad idea, and more. Each of these simply do not hold up when one is forced to look at the actual demonstration of them.
For example, crime is highest in American cities with the most gun control such as Chicago and New York. Graduation rates are lowest in areas where more children go to public schools, licensed medical doctors do more damage than all the unlicensed practitioners combined, and so on.
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