by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© February 2014, L.D.Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


            This is a critical article for all parents, and any woman who ever plans to have children.  The essence of the article is that a condition called infantile rickets is common today, and perfectly mimics child abuse.  Bones appear as if they were broken, the child may bleed into the brain, and other symptoms can occur. 

As a result of this mixup, which most physicians are unaware of, attorneys accuse and convict parents of child abuse that did not actually occur.  Parents lose their child, who enters the foster care system, when the real problem is a deficiency of vitamin D.




This condition is totally preventable, and begins during pregnancy with a vitamin D deficiency.  It is just one of the horrible failures of the system of prenatal care in the Western world.  This horror is the result of a number of problems:

1. The minimum daily requirement for vitamin D in adults is totally incorrect.  It should be about 5000 iu daily, and instead it is set at about 200-400 iu daily.

2. The sun does not provide enough vitamin D, for reasons that are not clear to scientists.  This is true even if one spends time in the sun.

3. The health of young women of child-bearing age is terrible, and getting worse.  Parents, doctors, the media, and public health authorities do not teach proper nutrition and healthful lifestyles to young women.

4. A number of common health conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and others tend to make the problem of vitamin D deficiency worse.

5. The vitamin D level of an infant increases dramatically after birth.  As a result, if the child is tested for vitamin D, it can appear normal and infantile rickets is ruled out.  However, this is incorrect because the vitamin D level was often much lower during early life.

6. Most doctors do not test every young adult woman’s vitamin D level, as they should.  If they did, they would discover this common deficiency. 

As a result, serious vitamin D deficiency is extremely widespread.  The following articles on this website are related to this one: Prenatal Care and Vitamin D.


Instead of describing this problem in detail, I will refer the reader to an excellent summary of the problem, found at the following URL:



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