by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© November 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. Problems Of Hospitals

III. What to Do



I will begin this article by saying I don't like to criticize physicians because sometimes we need them and sometimes they do excellent work.

Also, I hope I am wrong about the health care system. However, according to the planning souls of a number of our clients, the health care system is in severe disarray, especially hospitals.

SEVERE WARNING: Hospitals today are extremely unsafe places. Many, if not most of them have been taken over by the alien invading group called the thugs, Satans or The Rogues. As a result, we recommend avoiding hospitals as much as you possibly can.

According to the planning souls of a number of our clients, the “doctors” lie to the people. Some are not doctors at all. They are enemy operatives posing as doctors.

The solution we recommend is to follow the development program very carefully and don't cut corners. This program can take care of many problems that might otherwise require medical care.

Beware, however! Occasionally, one can have healing or purification reaction during the development program that can cause severe symptoms. In my experience of 44 years, they rarely, if ever, require visiting a hospital.

This article discusses some feedback we receive from clients who go to the hospital for any reason.



A terrible problem is that hospitals are being sold, illegally we think, or just being taken over by Chinese companies. In fact, the companies are fronts for the rogues. Hospitals are then being used for rogue experiments including converting people into sats or satans. For more on this, read The Sats.

The rogues often have hidden agendas such as getting rid of you if they think you are a trouble maker. We hear of stories in hospitals of rapes, implanting people, and more.


All physicians are raped, today. So are physician's assistants and nurse practitioners, and some nurses. According to the souls, this is the truth.

It is done by the thugs or rogues to assure that they follow orders. As a result, the physicians and other medical personnel are not as intelligent and usually not in charge.


Two clients who visited hospital emergency rooms were told they were not free to leave and were forced to spend a night in the hospital. This is the same as being put under arrest. However, legally, only a police officer has the power to arrest people, so this is quite outrageous.

NOTE: In America (we don’t know about other nations) we are told that you can leave a hospital if you just repeat the phrase, “I am discharged” as you walk out of the hospital.

It is a sort-of loophole in the law, and an important one to know about should you end up in the hospital.


Many hospitals are putting a radio-controlled identification bracelet on patients that signals if the person leaves a certain area of the hospital. If one cuts off the bracelet, it alerts hospital personnel and they put a new one on. Tracking people this way is totally unconstitutional in America.

We believe these new policies in America are part of the 2000+-page Affordable Care Act of 2010, also called Obamacare. There was not a single Republican vote for this law and it is thoroughly unconstitutional (see A Sad Day For America and The Affordable Care Act Of 2010).

President Donald Trump vowed to repeal the Affordable Care Act, but he did not do it and the law remains. He signed a bill to remove the penalty for not having health insurance, but otherwise the law remains in force.


Most people today are very ill. This is what hospitals are used to seeing. So if you go into the hospital for any reason, the doctors are likely today to assume you have a terrible disease, usually cancer. This will scare anyone!


Telling doctors about the development program rarely does any good at all. They often tell people to stop the program, even if they don't know what it is or how it works.


Today, at least 772,000 people contract an infection in the hospital every year. About 75,000 people die each year from these infections.

These infections come from poorly sterilized reusable equipment, and sometimes from nurses and doctors not washing their hands enough before touching equipment or touching you.

They can come from other breaches of cleanliness.  In addition, many germs are floating around hospitals due to the number of sick people there, and so this, itself, is a problem.

What is worse is that overuse of antibiotics has spawned a host of antibiotic-resistant germs, and these are not easily killed.


All hospitals make an effort to reduce errors, oversights and other mistakes involving medication. However, errors can and do occur.  The problems are:

1. Drug medicine, by nature, is dangerous.  An overdose of some drugs easily can kill a person, especially one weakened by an illness. This is very different from nutritional therapy, for example.  It is one reason we much prefer nutritional therapy.

2. Many nurses work 12-hour shifts, which is too long for anyone.  In addition, many of them do not eat well and are not in good health.  Both these facts increase the chances of mistakes.

3. Many doctors also work long hours, and do not eat well and are not in good health.  This also increases the chances for errors.

4. The rogue takeover means that some “mistakes” are not mistakes at all.


This is the use of tests, procedures and even drugs and operations solely to satisfy the hospital or doctor’s legal team.  In other words, they are not medically necessary, but they are used or done to protect the doctor or hospital from possible lawsuits in the future.

It is lying to people in order to protect themselves. In fact, we are told that in some situations, physicians are required to tell people they may have cancer. The reason is to supposedly protect the hospital against law suits that might occur if they fail to diagnose a cancer.

Defensive medicine is now integrated into modern medical care.  Unless you are an expert, you probably will never be able to figure it all out.

Gone are the days when the physician is responsible mainly to you, and to no one else.  Now, they must live by the dictates of their medical boards, their attorneys, their hospital rules, and perhaps rules set up by insurance companies, Medicare or Medicaid.

One can argue that these rules are set up to protect the patients.  However, anything that gets in the way of the physician’s direct responsibility to his patient tends to reduce, not enhance the quality of care.

Too often the rules are to reduce hospital or insurance company costs, legally protect them and not you, and are set up for their convenience, not yours.

This is important because the more tests, the more x-rays, the more drugs and procedures that you must go through, the more likely you are to experience a mistake, catch an infection, or suffer in some other way.


Unfortunately, there are many problems with the naturopaths in America, at least. They seem very holistic, but in fact they are heavily controlled by their licensing board and must follow orders or they are beaten or worse. We would definitely avoid them. For details, read The Naturopaths.



Stay out of hospitals and emergency rooms unless it is a dire emergency! Talk to me first.

Also, if you must go to a hospital, leave at once when you can. Do not 'hang around' or 'relax' for a few hours or another day. It is not safe!

The best prevention that I know of is to take excellent care of your health with a development program. In this way, you can avoid many diseases, operations and the need for procedures such as colonoscopies.


You should be in charge when you enter a hospital. But you must exercise this right. Do not just go along or do what you are told. Ask questions! Then ask more questions, especially before proceeding with any procedure or operation. Most people do not do this.


An advocate is a friend or family member, usually, who visits the hospital when you are there and checks things.  They check the chart, the medication, the IV bottles, and everything to do with your case.  That is their job.

If you don’t have a friend or family member to be your advocate, there may be someone you can hire to be your advocate. This is a good idea, but it is not enough to assure safety in a hospital today.


Some hospitals may be safer than others. In the References below is a website where you can check the safety of various hospitals.


A book on this subject is Hospitals And Health: Your Orthomolecular Guide To A Shorter, Safer Hospital Stay.  This book contains many tips about hospitals that can be most helpful.


1. Light and fresh air. The older Florence Nightingale hospital design was cleaner than today’s hospitals because there were many large windows that brought in a lot of sunlight. The ultraviolet rays from the sun kill a lot of germs.

Today’s hospitals often have smaller windows, and they often don’t open and may be tinted.  This saves on heating bills, but the small windows brings in much less light, and no fresh air.

2. Equipment design.  Modern electrical equipment in hospitals is often difficult to keep clean.  We believe there could be better designs for this equipment that would make it easier to keep it clean.  For example, it should be possible to design the equipment so it can simply be sprayed with hydrogen peroxide and wiped down without harming the electrical apparatus.

3. Clothing.  Doctors, nurses and other who work in hospitals used to wear only white clothing.  This is very helpful because one can see dirt, blood, saliva and other things most easily on white clothing.

Now nurses and others are allowed to wear scrub suits of any color, including black.  For cleanliness, hospitals should return to the policy of requiring white scrub and other outfits.

4. Food.  The food served at most hospitals is not as good as it could be.  They do not serve enough cooked vegetables and they include plenty of poor quality food such as refined white flour, white rice, sugary desserts and more.

5. Nursing and doctor schedules.  As mentioned above, some hospitals have changed to 10 or 12-hour shifts for nurses and perhaps other hospital personnel.  While some like this, we think this is quite unhealthy and leads to more hospital errors.


iHospitals and Health: Your Orthomolecular Guide to a Shorter, Safer Hospital Stay

ii HealthGrades 2011 Healthcare Consumerism and Hospital Quality in America Report

iii US Health care costs,

iv"A July Effect in Fatal Medication Errors: A Possible Effect of New Medical Residents,"Journal of General Internal Medicine, August 2010: 25(8); 774-779

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