by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© February 2022, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.




Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is a very common disturbance of the thyroid gland that is present in many adults, especially middle-aged women.  It often causes no symptoms, but it can cause a reduction in the output of thyroid hormone.  This is called hypothyroidism.

It can also cause a goiter, at times, which is a large, swollen, inflamed thyroid gland.  According to medical personnel, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an auto-immune type of condition with no known cure, although taking selenium may slow down its progress. 

Symptoms.  If these occur, they are usually due to hypothyroidism.  These include fatigue, dry and brittle hair, depression, dry skin and perhaps others.

Standard therapy. At this time, (2022) most medical and natural healers recommend taking thyroid replacement hormones for Hashimoto’s disease.  They leave the patient on thyroid hormones for the rest of his or her life.  Some doctors also tell people to stay away from iodine when this condition is present.




We find that on a development program, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis generally goes away completely within a year or sooner, especially if a person does not take thyroid hormones.  If one takes hormones, it slows deep healing of this condition.

It appears that Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an opportunistic infection or irritation of the thyroid gland.  This means that when the body is out of balance, this particular condition takes hold.  Other opportunist infections include candida albicans, acute and chronic mononucleosis, and others.

The development program corrects Hashimoto’s disease by a combination of mechanisms:

1. Renourishing the body with dozens of vital minerals, vitamins and other phytonutrients contained in massive quantities of cooked vegetables to be eaten each day.  For example, selenium, zinc, manganese and other minerals, along with many vitamins and other substances, are needed to produce thyroid hormones and prevent inflammation of the thyroid.  Hashimoto’s disease always has an inflammatory component to it that doctor’s call “auto-immune”.

2. Improving the vitality level by renourishing the body and balancing the oxidation rate, balancing yin and yang forces in the body, and balancing the major mineral ratios in the hair tissue.

3. Other means, such as removing ALL toxic metals, removing hundreds of toxic chemicals from the body, improving the liver and kidney activity, and much more.


When one does this properly, most cases of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis clear up quickly and easily without the need for any medical interventions or drugs.  In fact, taking thyroid hormones always slows down the healing of the condition and, if possible, the client should stop the hormones for the fastest response.


Is iodine harmful for those with Hashimoto’s disease?  Iodine in drug form such as Lugol’s solution, Iodoral, Prolamine Iodine and others are not recommended.  However, we find that iodine in the form of kelp, in combination with an entire development program, is not harmful for most people, even though it will stimulate the production of TPO, an enzyme related to the thyroid gland.

Kelp reactions.  Taking kelp, however, rarely causes a reaction in the body because most people are toxic with the iodine antagonists – bromine, chlorine and chlorides, and fluorides.

Reactions that occur due to taking kelp as part of the development program may be easily confused with a toxic reaction.  In fact, it is a purification or healing reaction.  In these cases, it is best to reduce the kelp for a while and slowly increase it as one can tolerate it.




The fifth energy center.  Although this condition tends to go away on its own, it is notable that the thyroid gland is located at the level of the neck.  This is also the location of the fifth energy center of the body.  This center is often damaged, particularly in women, and this can contribute to thyroid problems.

Anything that helps clean, balance and strengthen the fifth energy center will assist in healing thyroid conditions.  These might include massage of the area, foot and hand reflexology on the large toes, all around the neck of the large toes, in particular.

Quality chiropractic care may help, and more rest is definitely helpful.  In addition, use of the red infrared heat lamp on the thyroid area may be helpful.  For details, read The Energy Centers.


Thyroiditis during a healing crisis. One of our clients developed thyroiditis while on a development program.  She basically had a sore throat, but her thyroid hormone levels also decreased.

I urged her to leave it alone, but she went on thyroid hormones at the insistence of her medical doctor.  This appears to have just slowed her healing of this condition.  Most likely, the condition was present before beginning the development program and she was experiencing a flare-up of the condition as it healed.

We find that blood tests are often skewed for a while as the body rebalances itself.  This applies very much to all the thyroid blood tests.



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