by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© April 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.










Ear Anatomy

The Ears in Developed People



The ears are very important structures. They do much more than capture sound and we discuss this at the end of this article.

They are also a common site of health problems. These can occur in childhood, adulthood or later in life.

The development program and especially the ear healing program in this article are excellent to prevent and to heal most ear problems.


These include ringing in the ears, pain, hearing loss, loss of balance, dizziness, discharges, itching, and feelings of fullness or congestion in the ears.

An important cause of disability and even death in older people are falls due to chronic ear problems. For this reason, preventing and healing ear problems can save your life.


Infections. These are common. The infection can be impossible to find on x-rays and other tests because it is small and often chronic.

Babies who sleep on their side may have more problems with ear infections because the ear tubes or Eustachian tubes can drain into the ear, which is not correct.  It is best for babies, children and adults to sleep on their back for this reason.

Retracted or damaged ear drum. This is another cause.

Buildup of ear wax.

Bone problems.  At times, hearing loss is due to problems with the bones in the ears that conduct the sound from the eardrum to the vestibule.  The bones may not move freely and so the sound is not transmitted properly.

Nerve problems. Less often, hearing loss or ringing in the ears is due to problems with the facial nerve that conducts the sound from the vestibule to the brain.


The entire development program is very helpful for ear problems. In addition to the development diet and supplements, the following may be most helpful:

- Red heat lamp therapy. Use this 7 or 8 times daily for about 1-2 minutes.  Move the lamp around or move your head around.  Move the lamp as close to your ear as is comfortable – perhaps 6 inches or about 15 centimeters away.

- Do foot and hand Reflexology on the ear reflex areas. These points are at the tips of the third and fourth toes on both feet. Press and rub these areas firmly at least 4-7 times daily for only 30 seconds, at most, for any problem with the ears.

- Pull on the ear lobe all around.  Pull in all directions, as well.  Do this for about 1-2 minutes on each ear.  This stimulates blood circulation to the ears.

- Squeeze the ear lobs all over.  This is a form of reflexology.

- Do the Neck Pull. It takes a bit of practice to learn, but it can be very helpful.  Do it 10 times per day, or more.

- The Oral Coffee procedure. This brings coffee very close to the ears. One can do it at the same time as one does a coffee enema.

- Do the Pulling Down Procedure for several hours a day. This helps get rid of all head congestion symptoms, which can include ear symptoms.

- Do Coffee Enemas every day.

- Ear coning. This is an excellent, simple, gentle and safe method for removing wax from the ears and can help heal all ear conditions. The drawing action of the ear candle also helps remove many toxins through the ears. We recommend it for any ear problem.

To buy the ear cones at a reasonable cost, one outlet is www.massagewarehouse.com or 1-888-918-2253.  Repeat the procedure every day, or even twice daily.

- Open and close the jaw several times. Do this 3-6 times daily.

- Turn the neck back and forth.  Do this 10 times daily or more.  Do it slowly.  Also, extend your neck as you turn it.  This helps open up the vertebrae.

- Do the arm twists. Lie down on your back.  With elbows extended, lock the fingers together of both hands and swing the arms to the right, then to the left and repeat several timesl Then extend the arms upward and backward behind your head.  In each position, do the arm twists.

Another twist is that is excellent for the ears is to clasp your hands behind your neck and interlock the fingers.  Your elbows will be up in the air.

Now move one elbow up while you move the other elbow down.  You will need to turn your head when you do this.  Do this slowly and gently.  After moving one elbow up, do the same on the other side.  Your elbows will move like a seesaw.  Do this 3-7 times daily for 10-15 seconds.  You can repeat all the twists often each day .

- Do the leg kicks. There are two.  One is to kick straight back toward the foot of the bed.  The other is to kick upward toward the ceiling.

- Slap the ears – both at the same time using one hand for each ear.  Repeat 10 times and repeat the session several times daily. 

- Use a shower massager on your ear.  Do this each time you take a shower.  You can do it up to 3 times daily if you wish.  Hold the massager close to the ear and allow the water to strike the ear.  This is like a massage or reflexology of the ear area.

- Ozone therapy on the ear(s).  Ozone, an unstable form of oxygen, may help resolve ear infections faster by killing germs.

One can apply ozone directly to an ear by placing the output tube of an ozone generator directly inside an ear for about 5 minutes at a session.  One can do this 3 or 4 times daily.  It is a very safe procedure.

One can also drink ozonated water to obtain more oxygen.

For more details, read Oxygen.

Ear problems are also often part of Head Congestion Syndrome.


The development program commonly brings up and heals 1) old, chronic ear infections and 2) toxic conditions of the ears and the rest of the head. This is excellent. However, at times healing of old ear conditions causes temporary retracing symptoms.

Purification symptoms can include dizziness, ringing in the ears, pain and some temporary hearing loss. There can also be weeping or discharges of toxins from the ears. All of these symptoms are temporary and will pass.

For details about retracing, read Retracing And Healing Reactions.


1. Slow. Symptoms may come and go for a few months, or even years. This is due to poor blood circulation in the area and that the body may use the ears for brain detoxification.

2. Confusing. Doctors will confuse ear retracing symptoms with disease symptoms. So beware!

3. Drugs. So far, medical drugs are not required or helpful for ear retracing. The healing reaction will pass by itself. See below for natural healing methods.

4. Cyclical. Ear retracing reactions may come and go several times before they go away completely.

5. Check in.  Have your Helper check with Dr. Wilson whether to continue with a full program or not.  For example, during an acute retracing episode, the regular supplements are often not needed.  If the retracing is chronic, then the regular supplements may be needed.



This is a re-activation in adulthood of old ear problems, often dating back to childhood. Usually, the original problem was an ear infection that was treated with antibiotics.


As a person’s health declines with age, and one reaches the age of about 40 or older, one begins to experience hearing loss, ringing in the ears, pain in the ears, or vertigo.

Other possible symptoms are sinus congestion, chronic sinus drainage, or other sinus problems.  Headaches may also occur.


The causes for chronic ear syndrome may include:

1. Antibiotic treatment of childhood ear infections. This killed off most of the bacteria or other microorganisms, but not all of them.  It also left behind antibiotic-resistant germs that are now very hard to kill off.  In addition, the tissue quality is not good and this provides the terrain for the infection.

2. Tonsillectomy.  Surgical removal of the tonsils and adenoids in children may weaken the body and help give rise to chronic ear syndrome.  This operation is never necessary if a child is fed properly.

The removal of the tonsils does not really solve problems of tonsillitis.  Instead, it just weakens the body.

The causes of tonsillitis are usually improper diet, dehydration, and perhaps unbalanced body chemistry.  They usually are easy to take care of with a development program.

3. Chronic sinus congestion or infection, chronic tooth infections, cavitations or infected root canal-filled teeth.  These can also contribute to chronic ear syndrome.

4. Toxic metal deposits in the ears. These can cause irritation, weakness, nerve damage or other damage to the delicate structures of the ear.  Manganese toxicity affects the ears, at times.

5. Other.  Less commonly, one can have arteriosclerosis in the area of the ears, a narrowed dental arch, or kidney problems.  Arteriosclerosis reduces the blood supply to the ears, and can cause an old infection to flare up. 

Narrowing of the dental arch changes the architecture of the ear canals, sinus cavities, nose and other structures.  This may give rise or at least aggravate chronic ear problems. 

The idea of narrowed dental arches and all their implications was explored by Weston Price, DDS and discussed in his book, Nutrition And Physical Degeneration.

In Oriental medicine, there is a correspondence between the ears and the kidney/adrenal meridian.  Weakening of the kidneys as one ages may aggravate problems with the ears.


The cause of chronic ear syndrome is often a very chronic ear infection.  However, finding the infection with medical methods is difficult or impossible.  X-rays of the area are rarely helpful because the pathology is very subtle, in most cases.  It does not take much to upset the delicate structures of the inner ear, in particular.


The methods to help with retracing listed above are very helpful. Other methods are:

Medical therapy.  This is often not too successful.

Natural remedies.  These may help somewhat, but often do not stop the problem.

A development program.  This can often help chronic ear syndrome because it:

1. Brings up and resolves most chronic infections in throughout the body.

2. Helps stop and reverse arteriosclerosis.

3. Reduces toxic metal buildup.

Do the entire ear healing program described above.


Ear infections are very common in babies and young children.  Reasons for this are:

1. The architecture of the ear in babies.  This tends to make babies and young children somewhat more susceptible to ear infections.

2. Poor health of many babies.  This can be from birth (congenital impaired health).  It is made much worse by quitting breast feeding before 3 years of age, improper diets, vaccines and use of medical drugs.

We know that many mothers are so malnourished that their breast milk is inadequate to nourish their babies.  These babies need some adult food after about one year of life.  However, most babies also want to continue having some breast milk.

We recommend a development program for all nursing mothers.  If mothers do this, their breast milk may be sufficient to nourish their babies up through age three.  At times, however, even when the mother is on a development program their babies will require some adult food, usually cooked vegetables, after about age one year.

3. Specifically, a diet containing pasteurized, homogenized milk and/or other dairy products.  This often makes ear infections worse in babies and children.

4. Treating ear infections with antibiotics.  This gets rid of acute symptoms, but often causes a chronic ear infection.  This is somewhat known in conventional medicine, but many doctors continue to do it anyway.


Pevention.  Most ear infections can be prevented by continuing breast feeding and avoiding other food for babies, avoiding vaccines and most other medical drugs, and by feeding and caring for babies correctly.

Never feed babies or children fruit, fruit juices, or any sweets or sugar.  These upset a child’s body chemistry badly because most babies and young children are fast oxidizers.  Also, babies and children should avoid pasteurized cows milk and all wheat products.  For details, read Childhood Nutrition.

Also, babies should ideally sleep on their backs.  This can help reduce the possibility of ear infections.

Correction.  We recommend a development program for all children over about six months of age.  It can help with both prevention and correction of ear infections in babies and children.

The program for babies consists of the development diet, about three supplements, daily foot rubs or reflexology, and about 5 to 10 minutes of shining a red heat lamp on the abdomen or back with no shirt on.

Remedies such as vitamin A – about 5000 iu every other day for a baby – is sometimes helpful, but is not as good as a complete development program.

Onion juice for ear infections.

We received an email with the following instructions.  If you try this, let us know the results:

Put a whole onion into a pressure cooker for three minutes.  Then squeeze the juice into a small cup.  Let it cool until it is a comfortable temperature.  Then put the juice in the ear – as much as possible.  Put the person’s head to one side so the juice will stay inside and stay there until the juice is absorbed.  In a few cases, you may have to repeat the treatment.



The structure of the ears is often divided into three parts: the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear.

THE OUTER EAR.  This is the visible part of the ear, including the ear lobe.  This is fleshy and has some soft cartilage to keep its shape.  It captures sound and directs it inward through the ear canal to the eardrum.

The eardrum is a thin membrane that receives sound and vibrates.  It connects to three small bones.  These conduct the sound through the middle ear to the vestibule, a part of the inner ear where there are sensitive sound receptors.

THE MIDDLE EAR.  This is a sort of open area that connects the ear are to the throat through the eustachian tube.  Unfortunately, infection in the throat, which is very common, often travels up this tube and causes infection of the ear.

THE INNER EAR.  This has two main functions.  Part of the inner ear called the vestibule receives the sound coming through the bones of the ear.  Here sound is interpreted to a degree.  It is also changed into nerve impulses that move into the brain through the facial nerve or seventh cranial nerve.

The inner ear also contains the cochlea, which is a spiral-shaped coiled up tube.  It also contains the semicircular canals, which are three small tubes positioned perpendicular to each other.  They are filled with a fluid and little hair-like projections that measure the position of one’s head in space.  Problems in this area of the inner ear cause dizziness and lack of balance.


As one develops, the ears take on other roles.  A major role is to absorb etheric energy from the environment.  This helps nourish the body.

Another role of the ears as one develops is to receive guidance and messages via mental telepathy.  This is a natural ability that everyone has.  However, one must develop in order for this ability to manifest itself.

Another role of the ears as one develops is they become sensitive to other types of vibrations and energies. 

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