by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© February 2019, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


              All information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


An important concept in development science is that a person must have reserve energy or adrenal reserves in order for development to occur rapidly and properly.  This is a simple idea, but one that is very important.

Development is a genetic activation process described in a number of articles on this website.  It involves vast improvements in immune system response, increased neuronal capacity, rebuilding of the thymus gland and more.  For more details, read Introduction To Development.


Analogies.  To explain this idea, here is an automobile analogy.  If there is insufficient reserve power in the engine of a car, the following will occur:

1. You will not be able to handle certain emergencies or stresses that require extra power.

2. You may not be able to travel up steep hills, impairing your ability to go where you want.

3. You will not be able to carry much of a load.

4. You may not be able to operate the air conditioner, the lights, or some other options that use power.

5. You may strain the engine, damaging it.

Another analogy.  The same goes for piloting an aircraft.  Pilots know that they need reserve power in case they must fly higher to get away from a lightning storm, for example, or if the plane sustains certain types of damage.


            The above are fairly accurate descriptions of the reasons reserve energy is needed in our bodies.  When reserve energy is low, the body becomes toxic, congested, delicate, and inflexible.  This impairs oneÕs ability to handle diseases and other stressors, to repair the body, and to utilize all of oneÕs faculties.

In fact, this is why deep healing is slow, at first, when one begins a development program.  If one is fortunate, symptoms may begin to disappear quickly.  However, deep healing can be slow because most peopleÕs reserve energy is too low.  For more details, read Slow Progress With Development.

However, more problems occur when the bodyÕs adaptive energy level is too low.




            An important systems concept is that of flexibility.  Our bodies are dynamic, or changing at all times to respond to our environment.  For example, the oxidation rate needs to be able to speed up and slow down to meet the demands of the day, hour and even the moment. 

Mineral ratios and mineral levels also must change from moment to moment, at times, to properly respond to environmental conditions.  ALL OF THIS REQUIRES EXTRA ENERGY.




            Extra energy is also required to move through healing reactions and resolve old traumas.  Low adrenal reserves is perhaps the most important reason why some people have difficulty getting through healing reactions and resolving traumas.  Resolving traumas also requires a lot of forgiveness.




            When the bodyÕs reserve adaptive energy is low, even simple stress factors can derail your development program.  These could be exposure to germs, a financial or legal stress, or perhaps a family dispute.  The stress could also be an automobile accident, or just a spell of very cold or very hot weather.  It could be just having to go to bed late because your child is ill or for some other reason.

You will know that your adaptive energy level is rising when you handle these stressors more easily.  It is a wonderful feeling.




Having plenty of reserve adaptive energy is also required to move the body out of fight-or-flight mode.  This, in turn, is a key to deep healing and development.

Our bodies are beautifully designed with an emergency stress response system.  This is the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system.  It is to be used in emergencies to preserve life.

However, many people are so ill that the body must use this system most of the day!  We call this sympathetic dominance.  Overcoming this tendency is a major requirement for development and a major goal of development programs.  For details, read Sympathetic Dominance. 

Stress addiction.  Even worse, the feeling of overusing the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system can become a habit and one may become literally addicted to stress.  One becomes a stress seeker in order to keep having the ÔhighÕ or feeling that comes from the body secreting too many adrenal and thyroid hormones.

This slowly destroys the body and leads to cancer, diabetes or a heart attack.

Another car analogy.  This is analogous to people who love to race the engine of their car.   The love the roar of the motor and the squeal of the tires as they skid.  It may be fun, but it destroys the car! 




A key to handling stress and maintaining high adaptive energy is to learn emotional detachment.  This occurs automatically as one does the Pulling Down Exercise.

When one is emotionally detached from events and people, one is much less easily upset.  This always conserves adaptive energy.

Emotional detachment has other beneficial effects, such as helping one respond to stress in a calm way.  This tends to result in better decisions and better outcomes.


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