by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© May 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


- What Is The Development Program?

- Qualities Of The Program

- Two Programs

- History

- Why Is It Called the Development Program?

- Who Can Benefit?

- Is The Program For You?

- Safety

- Why Does The Full Program Require Hair Mineral Testing?

- A Path

- Differences Between The Development Program And Holistic And Naturopathic Health Care

- Theory Of The Program

- About Dr. Wilson



The development program is a total body healing and life extension program that has been updated with the latest mineral testing technology. It may appear similar to other holistic healing programs, but it is very different from other medical, holistic and naturopathic programs.

The modern version of the program is about 50 years old. For more details about its origins, read The Modern Development Science Pioneers.

The program involves all seven of the basic levels of life. These are the physical, emotional/sexual, simple mental, social, expressive, mental and spiritual levels.

To get started, one focuses on diet and lifestyle, about eight nutritional supplements, and five detoxification procedures to balance and strengthen the body. The diet is very important. That is, it is not just a “pill” program.


The program is quite mechanical. This means that the more one does of the program, the better will be the results. It will help heal most physical and mental health conditions.

The program is redundant. This means that one can get results even if one does not do the entire program correctly.

The program is extremely holistic. This means it includes many modalities of healing.

Also, the program focuses less on diseases and more on re-nourishing the body and detoxifying the body. When one does this properly, most health conditions go away on their own.


There are two versions of the program.  The basic or ‘free’ program is a starter program that is not individualized. There is no fee, and one does it on one’s own.

It includes all the levels of life. One begins with the basic diet, a healthful lifestyle, six nutritional supplements and the five basic healing and detoxification procedures.

Many people report significant health benefits from it. To begin the basic development program, click here.

The full program is supervised, individualized, and involves tissue mineral testing to assess one’s body chemistry. This combination makes it much more powerful and more effective.

Cost of the full program. Most of the Helpers charge $150 to $350.00 US dollars for the hair mineral test and a long consultation or two to set up the program properly. This fee usually also includes responding to questions that arise during the program.

The other main cost is the nutritional supplements, which cost about $200.00 to $300.00 US dollars monthly for adults and less for children. One can reduce the cost of supplements to about $150.00 US dollars per month by taking the supplements twice, instead of three times daily. Results will be slower. To begin the full program, go to Find A Helper To Begin A Program.


Dr. Wilson has been interested in nutrition since 1970. He studied under many leaders in the nutrition field. In 1981, he began working closely with Dr. Paul Eck, who was using hair tissue mineral testing to set up healing programs. This work was called mineral balancing.

Dr. Wilson added to this program more specifics about diet and lifestyle and the use of coffee enemas and other healing procedures. He called the program nutritional balancing.

In 2002, the program changed. Other supplements and healing procedures were added. Around 2018, we were told the program was causing an unusual change in the body called development. At that point, the name of the program changed to the development program.


Development, as the word is used on this website, is a genetic upgrade of the body. Excellent nutrition, plenty of rest and a healthful lifestyle activate parts of our DNA that are not usually active. This DNA is sometimes called non-coding DNA because scientists do not know its function.

Development is the unfolding of the full genetic potential of a human being. It causes much better health, a much longer lifespan, and improved physical and mental abilities.

Development is natural to human beings. However, to develop today requires a specific program.

It is mentioned in ancient books such as the Bible. However, it is not emphasized in these books, and it is not taught much today because beings who are in charge don't want it taught.

Also, balanced development does not occur in most people because their bodies are too malnourished and too toxic. For more details about development, read Introduction To Development.


The program will strengthen and balance anyone.  It is excellent for adults, children, and babies who are six months old or older. Children of all ages do very well on the program, as do older adults.

Prenatal and pregnancy care. The program is wonderful as prenatal care and should begin when girls reach the teenage years or before. This would help create a much healthier generation of children. With a few modifications, the program is safe and very helpful during pregnancy and lactation.

Healing traumas.  The development program can also help unwind, retrace and heal many traumas.  For details, read Rape, Healing Rape and Trauma Release.

In our experience, the program will help most physical and mental health conditions. Over 1000 articles on this website discuss specific health conditions and their correction using the development program.  If you have a specific question, Contact Us.


The development program requires:

- Eating a lot of certain cooked vegetables.  We find these are needed to remineralize, balance and detoxify the body.  If you really don’t like vegetables, this is not the program for you.

- Some discipline.  Like all healing programs, some self-discipline is required.  You will develop the discipline if you work with the program.

- Combining programs. The development program has been developed for over 50 years. We ask that you follow it as we suggest for best results. We don’t allow people to combine the full development program with other natural healing programs because this almost always interferes with the development program and can be unsafe.

An exception is continue to take prescribed medication, if needed, while on the development program.  In most cases, you won’t need it when the body heals sufficiently.

- Flare-ups.  The development program will bring up and release old traumas and illnesses.  At times, this causes temporary symptoms that can be annoying or unpleasant.  We will help you through them but one needs to understand that they can occur, at times.

- Forgiveness. The development program will bring up hidden anger and resentments in many people.  One needs to be willing to let these go in order to progress quickly.

The process is one of forgiveness of everyone for everything.  This does not mean to condone or forget anything that has occurred in the past.  However, it does mean that one is willing to let go and move on.  For more details, read Forgiveness.

- Applying.  Anyone may follow the basic development program.  For the full development program, one needs to apply for the program.  This is quite simple and will be handled by your Helper or practitioner.


The development program is quite safe because the program is always set up to balance the body.  This is not true of most other healing programs.

It is also safer than most other healing programs because it heals hidden, latent or sub-clinical health conditions.  For example, many people have a little cancer, some cardiovascular disease or other potentially serious health conditions, although most people are not aware of them.

The development program addresses these conditions first.  This is an enormous benefit and makes the program truly preventive.

The first several years on the program is often a period of cleaning up these sub-clinical health conditions.


This laboratory test is a tissue mineral biopsy.  So far, it is the only test we have found that will measure certain parameters needed to properly set up the development programs. Blood, urine, saliva or other medical tests will not work for this purpose.

For accuracy, the tissue mineral test needs to be performed and interpreted correctly.

During the program, one repeats the hair test every three to six months.  The purpose is to monitor progress and to update the diet and supplement program to keep the body chemistry balanced.  For more details, read Introduction To Hair Mineral Analysis.


Development is more than a program.  It is a life path.  This means that to move along most rapidly and easily, one needs to integrate the program as much as possible into one’s daily lifestyle. For details, read The Path Concept.


The development program appears similar to other nutrition programs.  However, it differs markedly from holistic health care and naturopathy in the following ways:

- Unlike most health care, the development program does not involve diagnosis, prescription, treatment and cure of diseases. We know this sounds unusual. Instead of diagnoses and treatments, the development program focuses upon a path of living that slowly corrects body chemistry and more. When this occurs, health conditions disappear on their own.

- Unlike most health care, the development program does not focus upon symptom removal. Symptoms go away on their own when body chemistry becomes more balanced. This was quite remarkable to the author when he began this program over 40 years ago.

- Development programs rarely involve the use of remedies. Foods, nutritional supplements and healing procedures are used in a special integrated manner, rather than as remedies. This is a subtle, but major difference between this program and others.

The program is a whole system approach, whereas the use of remedies is always a partial approach. This is why remedies, whether they are drugs, vitamins or other, may have adverse 'side effects'. Remedies are rarely needed if one rebalances and renourishes the body properly.


The development program is based upon the The Stress Theory Of Disease, General Systems Theory and certain less well known aspects of Genetics. These are all newer concepts regarding the way in which complex, regenerating systems operate.

Sadly, these principles are not incorporated enough into standard medical care or natural health care at this time. We sincerely hope this will change. Here are a few more details:

Systems theory. From the perspective of systems theory, most disease is simply evidence of a system out of balance. When the whole body system becomes remineralized, balanced and strengthened at deep levels, most “disease entities” disappear on their own. The focus is on health, not on naming, analyzing or taking remedies for disease.

The stress theory of disease. This is the largely unappreciated work of Hans Selye, MD. Disease occurs in stages. Deep healing requires reversing the stages one at a time. Deep Healing is not about 'curing' or symptom removal.

So-called non-coding or “junk DNA”. Development is based on an ancient concept that human beings have the genetic capacity to enjoy far greater health and longevity than they presently enjoy.

For many more details about the theory of development science, read Development Theory I and Advanced Development Theory.

About Dr. Wilson. Dr. Wilson has offered the development program for 43 years. He works with a healing team to set up all of the complete programs for the all of Approved Helpers or practitioners listed on this website on the Helper Page. He is also available in case of emergencies.

He is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has a medical degree from The Centro De Estudios Universitarios Xochicalco in Mexico. He prefers to work as a nutrition consultant rather than as a licensed physician because because licensing would restrict the development work.

Dr. Wilson no longer works directly with clients. Instead, he sets up the programs for about 30 trained Helpers who are listed on this website. For details, go to How To Find A Helper To Begin A Program.

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